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Token creation to support home-based initiatives

24 oct. 2021

           I once heard someone say that all of us at least once in our lives have had a million-dollar idea. I didn't stop to think if it was entirely true that these are ideas that will make us rich overnight, but what is true is that all of us have ideas, dreams, or personal goals that we want to accomplish, and most of these start in our place of continuous rest: the home.

Now, with the use of cryptocurrencies, especially the creation of tokens, people have been given more freedom to be the authors of their own success. However, it is not that digital currencies do everything without help, but they become direct instruments for people to create and undertake from home just by using the internet.

Entrepreneurship through crypto tokens

          Entrepreneurship is a term so overused nowadays that sometimes it tends to bore the less knowledgeable a bit, but it is not mysticism or a point of view but a movement that invites people to have entrepreneurial sense and put their own business ideas in motion without fear.

Together with the creation of tokens, entrepreneurship can take on another meaning. It turns out that now people not only have a channel in which they can share their innovative personal projects but also have a means by which to receive support from other people, either in the form of a donation or as direct payment for their services.

It is another aspect of entrepreneurship to venture into a different market than usual. A market that is different from the most common concept of banks and large companies having the entire domain of how people buy and sell and how exchanges of goods and services occur.

Blockchain offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to make life in a different environment, even around the world with security and transparency, but above all eliminating third parties that control or regulate transactions and business between two or more people.

Here are some tips to get you started at home:

          -Consider your talents: You already know what you like and know how to do? focus on your talents to come up with innovative ideas that you can master, but if it turns out to be something totally new to you, then you should not forget that the best entrepreneurship is the one that requires little effort and a lot of passion because it is something we enjoy doing.

          -Make a plan for your tokens: When you create a token there are several elements to take into account for its planning: total supply, the release period, how much to use for your airdrop campaign, and the prices at the convenience of the market in which you move.

          -Allow others to participate: As an entrepreneur, you should know that one of your greatest strengths is to listen to the advice of others with more experience, and learn from your customers' feedback. Within there is the possibility of receiving votes and proposals from buyers and other token creators, use it for your development.

You are the creator and therefore you are the author of your initiative and you decide what you want to do with it. You just have to be creative and put your goals into action.

Mary Schwartz