420 420 420
08:04:38 03 Apr, 2021

420 coming up don't miss out on my products I sell out most of the time on this day so buy budtoken so you can get yours before there gone will be a little while to make more stock

Budtoken is a token in hopes to be one day the most used and reliable currency to purchase thc related products such as flower/clothing/ pipes/papers/grow equipment at local dispensaries and grow stores residential and medical so if your interested in this idea then let's get this going and buy some budtoken and tell your friends to get budtoken let's get this as high as we can thank you and donations are appreciated to get this started to blockchain

crée le:
13 Mar 2021
Ordres actifs
33 564.0000
Période de libération:
10 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
5 225 696.3470
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
4 701 210.6279
Vendu sur le marché:
503 277.1335
Pas encore libéré:
4 774 303.6529
Volume d'achat direct:
Latest News
08:04:38 03 Apr, 2021

420 coming up don't miss out on my products I sell out most of the time on this day so buy budtoken so you can get yours before there gone will be a little while to make more stock

08:04:13 03 Apr, 2021

Pay in btc preferably

08:04:10 03 Apr, 2021

Keep buying and burning 🔥420 got alot of cool shit so buy up and ill pay up with my products handmade glass pieces and copper wrap crystal 🔮 pendants bad ass

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