We want to give people the ability to buy todays tech with a digital asset. We aim to make this possible within the next 5 years. This will work based on the current price of coin when making purchases. we Are aiming to sell world wide and will be trying to partner with top name brands, this will be a very long process but when complete transactions will be instant and available to cash out instantly. more information will be released in due time. Other focuses: We are working on creating a gaming service with the main focus at the moment is a server provider for game hosting i.e. Scum, Dayz and others alike, the only way to get this service will be to buy using this token. When you rent a server the amount of tokens you have used will generate a % return (staking like feature) and the rewards can go up or down depending on how many people are on the server over a given time frame. Rewards can be used to rent server again for x amount of time (it will be possible to make more than the cost of server), the longer a person uses this service the lower the cost's will become so this will mean that over x amount of time = x amount of rewards and no server cost to buyer at the % rewards will cover server cost's leaving spare rewards for other ventures or withdraws.

crée le:
23 Jun 2023
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
Vendu sur le marché:
14 377.5544
Ordres actifs
7 952 347.0000
crée le:
23 Jun 2023
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
Vendu sur le marché:
14 377.5544
Volume d'achat direct:
25 891
Latest News
Website post
16:06:49 13 Jun, 2024

We have started to develop are website they is still a lot to do but with time and more help we will get there. You can take a quick look https://digitalcurves.wixsite.com/digitalcurves

Principaux détenteurs
Trader Montant
9 893
2 915
Bounty campaigns
Token shop