EYSS post
14:10:20 01 Oct, 2024


**(IDEA SERIAL NO: 1397850657216 PROTECTED ON THE PATENT SITE)** **EYSS (EXPRESS YOU SELF / SHOW YOU SELF / İNTRODUCE YOU SELF )** **Summary Description:** 2 Page **Detailed Description:** 7 Pages **SUMMARY:** The EYSS (Express You Self / Show You Self / İntroduce You Self) project is designed as an innovative online platform that brings together talents and individuals with special qualities from around the world and connects them with those who want to discover and evaluate them. This platform offers people the opportunity to showcase their talents effortlessly, introducing themselves while providing investors, talent scouts, advertising agencies, Film Directors, Casting Agencies, Sports Clubs, Private Enterprises, Companies, Artists, Institutions, Companies, Painters, Photographers, Writers, Private Users, Those Who Want to Show Off, General Users, Those Who Want to Spend Quality Time, and Those Who Want to Stay Informed and many other industry representatives with an easy way to reach the special individuals they are looking for. ### **PROJECT GOALS AND TARGET AUDIENCE:** The main goal of the project is to bring together talents on a global scale and provide a secure online platform where they can meet with those who want to discover and evaluate these talents and individuals with special anatomy. The target audience includes investors, casting agencies, film directors, sports clubs, and other relevant industry representatives. The platform also aims to offer a pleasant and engaging experience for general users. ### **TALENT CATEGORIES:** The talents featured in the project are divided into three main categories: 1. **Natural Talents:** Extraordinary skills that are innate (e.g., dancing, singing, all types of sports categories, etc.). 2. **Acquired Talents:** Specially acquired skills that were developed later (e.g., painting, writing, comedy, etc.). 3. **Anatomical Talents:** Individuals with unique physical features (e.g., height, beauty, muscle structure, etc.). ### **PLATFORM ADVANTAGES:** EYSS provides a great opportunity for talents and individuals with special qualities to showcase themselves effortlessly and without cost, while also offering those who want to discover these talents a significant advantage. Users can showcase their talents and works on the platform, be evaluated by viewers, and gain the opportunity to participate in new projects. The platform will also enable users to promote themselves nationally and internationally, meet new people, and establish collaborations. ### **OPPORTUNITIES FOR INVESTORS:** The main reasons to invest in this project include the ability for users to showcase their talents for free, the opportunity to discover talents without long and arduous processes, and the wide-ranging opportunities offered by the platform. Additionally, the advertising and sponsorship revenues provided by the platform will result in profitable returns for investors. ### **CONCLUSION:** The EYSS project is an innovative platform that allows the promotion of talents and individuals with special qualities on a global scale. This platform will provide users with the opportunity to introduce themselves and their talents, get discovered, and participate in new projects, while offering investors and relevant industries access to a wide pool of talent. Page 2 ........ Page 3 ........ ...............................LAST PART OF DETAİLED DESCRİPTİON (PAGE 7) Page 7: **WHY SHOULD THIS PROJECT BE INVESTED IN?** 1. Users will have a platform that is free, easy, and low-effort to showcase their talents, features, and works, making it easy for them to introduce themselves. 2. Talents won’t have to sacrifice long and arduous paths and days to participate in competitions to showcase their skills. 3. All relevant parties (mentioned above) will be gathered on a single platform. 4. An online talent platform will be provided for talents. 5. The platform will allow users or talents to showcase, evaluate, and vote on their works or talents. 6. Records of participants or members won’t be deleted unless they wish, enabling their discovery even weeks later. 7. It will provide an online platform for those seeking special skills and/or individuals with unique anatomy. 8. Indirectly, it will become a high-level job search and placement platform (Advertising Agencies, Casting Agencies, Influencers, etc.). 9. Indirectly, a high-level marketplace will emerge (Art, Photography, NFTs, etc.). 10. Indirectly, a marketplace for goods, vehicles, and real estate will form, similar to the Facebook platform. 11. Extraordinary life experiences, funny or odd encounters, or interesting stories shared on the platform (which could attract the attention of writers or filmmakers). 12. General audience will visit according to their areas of interest. 13. It will enable users to establish national and international solidarity, networking, and collaboration. 14. Indirectly, friendships will form and evolve through collaboration and chat on this platform. 15. Notice Board: Talent scouts who cannot find extraordinary talents within the platform can post their special requests on the notice board. 16. Circulation within the platform will increase, boosting platform traffic. 17. Increased traffic will also enhance sponsor and advertising revenue. 18. Sponsor and ad revenue will result in profitable returns. 19. Parallel to this, it will also be possible to showcase these talents, skills, etc., with one’s avatar in the Metaverse world. Two methods are available for this: 1) Skeleton, 2) Coding. Both will be accepted in competitions due to being in the art category. 20. Talents will be categorized (Sports -> Football -> Forward player, capable of bicycle kicks, etc.) and can be queried with sub-categories. **FINAL WORD:** Every person has a unique talent. However, due to various reasons such as lack of opportunities, self-confidence issues, lack of knowledge, or limited time and financial resources, they may not participate in talent competitions or may not be able to showcase their full potential due to nervousness or tension. This platform will provide an opportunity for NATURAL talents as well as individuals with SPECIAL SKILLS and SUITABLE ANATOMY to showcase themselves. We know that many famous artists, athletes, and talents have been discovered by chance. What if that lucky or coincidental moment (being in the right place at the right time) hadn’t happened? How would their lives have turned out? Unfortunately, without that chance, they could have ended up as one of the unknowns or the lost ones. And what about those who didn’t get that chance? Who knows how many undiscovered gems exist in this world simply because there was no opportunity or means to discover them? This platform aims to minimize the loss of talents and create an opportunity for these gems to bring their talents, arts, skills, etc., to life.

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18 Sep 2024
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Created on:
18 Sep 2024
Wallet on exchange:
87 022.4489
Sold on the market:
92 785.9376
Direct buy volume:
4 279
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EYSS post
14:10:20 01 Oct, 2024


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