I dont know what to say about that

I PUT SELL OFFER AT ABOUT = ~1$, but i expect a FALL, not AirDrop I cant say anything about your willingness to buy and/or sell, but this could go fast, but could also go down: i dont know 33:33:33 (up:equal:down) = ~1$

I have to say "might be", because nothing is sure, but: THOR "might be" 33:33:33 At the moment i can blast it to The Moon - status quo - 33$-43$ (7500-10000 MMe) AND YOU CAN BUY FOR ONLY ~1$ (atm (At The Moment)) The problems will come thou ... but I put an "INSURANCE" (=BUY BACK OFFER) at ~0.1$ (25 MMe (1/10)), which is the price you ATLEAST get, anytime, anywhere I have to stick to The THOR Plan, and lets see - MAYBE WE CAN MAKE MONEY TOGETHER, SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY ~1$/THOR AND I TRY BLAST TO THE MOON AND BACK YOUR OUR WALLETs BUT WHEN SOMEONE GAIN, ANOTHER MUST LOOSE OMG THOR

I have made a offer of BUYING TOKENs at 33 MMe = ~0.133$ Normally SALEs offer: 250 MMe = ~1.3$ Current Listed Price: 9995 MMe = ~40$-45$ You can put buy offer at atleast 250 MMe (1.3$), then i sell to you within short time, if you like

THOR = ~10000 MMe You Make Buy Offer at 250 MMe, and i sell to you I try to keep up at minimum BID 25 MMe, but thats somehow easy if you buy at 250 MMe, but anyway Deal Or No Deal - Either ~10000 MMe - Or 250 MMe

I guess finansially its best to keep a high price on that Token for Token Holders, but On The Other Hand/Side 1$-10$ might be worthfull too. Nevertheless i cant really control it, when market are/is free So, i guess = HIGH VALUE Well: you could e.g. buy some more Tokens and i Could BLAST To The Sky Limit, after you bought, min. 1.000 x 1$, total minimum

"Reduced CHRISTMAS MORNING SALE PRICE: 100%" Merry Christmas Starting SALE: 50k THOR ~0.5$ each

For now we keep a high price on supply, low price for demand. Write me, if ...

Listed Price: ~74000-75000 MMe (~300$) SALE 100 THOR: 50000 MMe (~200$) 100 THOR: 25000 MMe (~100$)