Vi vurderer, at THOR er en OPBLÆST VÆRDI, men tallene taler jo sit eget sprog, og med $ bagefter kan man lige gange med ~7 Det hele falder til afgrunden, men der er alligevel lidt spredning, såe ... HÅB for(r)ude, siger blandt andet psykiatrien OGSÅ

I am adjusting the PAY BACK OFFER to 1/10 of ~1$ = ~0.1$

I really don´t understand staking, other than its somekind of boost. i really dont know, but my wild guess for THOR is you buy about ~1$ og sell above 5++ i try to catch them, as far as i can, when going down ... but needs alot of control aor STACK em at ~1$ It takes management, if i shall be able to buy all minimum at 25 MMC (1/10) ... Supply bigger than current Demand, but less in Market then Demanded I cannot control the marked, other than supply at 250 MMC and make BUY BACK OFFER at 1/10 (25 MMC), untill now

Will we proceed trying to supply (up till 10M) THOR to ~1$ and buy (demand) for ~½$

Its very shortly i can go that range. soon the market find its place, and i really don´t know were it is Back to 1$ = UP OR DOWN OR EQUAL (33:33:33)

The headline does NOT say it all. and I cant really tell how it wil go, but 33% chance for UP, 33% chance for DOWN, 33% = EQUAL is hereby estimated. But infact, It should go UP untill AirDrop, but when and why, i dont know Mayne 10$ goal from 1$ = high, but ... lets see

10K THOR TOKENS FOR ~1$ SALE EACH I go little by litlle

I set START PRICE at 250 MMC (~1$), and I can´t really promise up´s or down´s, but AirDrop will definitive come, but when: I dont know: maybe from start, maybe later