Start date: 02.03.2025 12:02:08 | End date: 02.09.2025 12:02:00 | Created by: PrinceAnunKi
I was wondering what market I should deploy TaMaRi in. BnB or Polygon. This choice I will leave to "Us" as community. BNB would allow us to all bridge together in different Exchanges with the same common goal of Supporting each other in different markets.
Current Results

https://ibb.co/Wpt2wmgH https://ibb.co/gLQngXst https://ibb.co/Rp7YZjm1 SWAP ANUNKI DRAGON COINS Today https://www.mintme.com/token/AnunkiDragonCoin/MINTME/trade

AnunKi Dragon Coin Liquidity pools We have 7 Liquidity pools on Uniswap 3 on Quick Swaps..We have The API Anunki Dragons Token On Polygon Network And Graphling API services Join our Facebook group chat https://m.facebook.com/groups/3914906312123112/(Must be friends with page owner) Google Anunki Dragon Coin on "ANY" web browser for a international multi-Network Coin with service and benefits loans and more. Join our Exchange sale NFTs, Tokens, Rear Coins Art.International buy orders of products are listed at the Exchange link. https://www.mobileapp.app/to/EbcU6t3?ref=cl (Must Download Spaces app off goggle Play store)( You must be approved before you enter the Exchange)To celebrate we are giving 0.01 worth Anunki Dragons Polygon Coin on Mintme away free to earn."NEW PEOPLE WHO CAN'T GET ONTO THE MARKET" This is for you!!!:Post#SupportAnunkiDragonCoins you will receive your Coins Via airdrop.

We loan cryptocurrencies Please inbox me NEW PEOPLE ONLY!! For Cryptocurrency loans Liquidity or mintme to uniswap Swaps on mintme.com for other tokens on the tokens list post on my wall. Thanks have a good trading day

https://ibb.co/Wpt2wmgH https://ibb.co/gLQngXst https://ibb.co/Rp7YZjm1 SWAP ANUNKI DRAGON COINS Today https://www.mintme.com/token/AnunkiDragonCoin/MINTME/trade

I bought alot of ALL Y'ALL TOKENS in support and brought and gave liquidity away. What has any Token done for the very same token that been supporting you and your project. No one in the world believes anything you say.. I'm not crazy I'm not none of that your trying to hide behind. Everyone see bro. Your a comedian and we like the show it's funny as hell.. buy back some of them broken tokens and leave the dragon alone period. 1000 coin I got love for we old school 🤣 magic I got love for Click I got love for Libra I got love for. Magic been Eating big on my floor I BOUGHT HIM OUT TWICE. Over 20000 mintme. You can't afford my project I buy back that's a fact and support real projects.

I never said anything to you at all or mention anything bad about you after our peace treaty you asked me to and I did.. now your talking when rangers name was never mentioned in any conversation. Why start now? I'm going to say this to you and toxic SneK. I never mentioned you in this conversation... Are you the same person? Why speak on something that wasn't said to you!

It is a comedy show We ALL are watching like a movie. Laughing at your EVERY move and sales.. It's like watching a crackhead show staring crack Tokens..Dance and Music Made you buy back your broken tokens. He still can't get his crypto back.. To many fake fans. Let the show continue. You should have left my project alone like you have been in mintme but not uniswap.. Many markets ADC is in I just never told the address or network🤣 your not even close.i lead you to where I want you to go like you have.. to the illusion not the real project 🤣 Let's watch these 🤡 Clowns it's a very good show global.

Now you pop up..No matter what you try and do. You will NEVER stop this dragon.. it's funny to watch a dog chasing it's tail.. it's funny to watch recycle broke piggy banks.. The block chain is investigating mintme smart contacts 🤣 ADPC was not made on mintme Your token was..I don't want no scammers buying my tokens anyway buy a broke token like you been doing.. Stop hacking 5,000 is out there Buddy it's just a matter of time.

Your on there side.. it's to late one of my tokens been here sense 2022. I need not wake the other dragon. As I said since 2022 been sleeping Now that lie ADHD 🤣 is another joke Coin. Get ride of fuckery and speak truth I truly support. Look at the #1 token speaking on helping others and give aways for free tokens now your stealing and making sacrifice

When you see scam's and pussy witchcraft keyboard pixel crazy mf. Say there not living the physical there living convince though word and pictures mind manipulation. I'm a grandmaster of the Rosicrucian order. 5,000 is on your head on the dark web pussy