
DemosToken KittyKoin 50kalba SOBR VRTX KRMR Durp Ninja INTI VecX Rrush (Under AirDrop, which i dont know that much about)

I got these ~10M THOR + ~10M TobiLak .... which I guess, I have to do "somthing about" SomeKind of Project

Just tell me, if you want to buy your AnunKi Token back

Nice TOKENs to INVEST in, Airdrops OVER AND OUT, they will probably go UP again - DemosToken - KittyKoin - KRMR - SOBR - 50Kalba - INTI DO SOME GOOD INVESTMENTS ~ prices under 0.0500 MMe YES MANY ARE MY OWN TOKENs, but still ...

2 x 5000 TobiLak SALE under market value, but as soon we make a deal, then = NEW PRICE

i dont know and i dont know what you are talking about i dont got control over things in any way, but maybe others do? - Let me ask (answer in comments maybe): WHERE ARE YOU ALL FROM? WHATS YOUR PURPOSE? & AnunKi: I´ll buy for next 100 MMe at Your DRAGON - 10000 MMe each, well amount: ~0.01, but it takes some sale of some of my many tokens first

so ... my option is to "GIVE ALL AWAY" or? - WHILE YOU ____________________________________________________________________________________? (making money or?) I GIVE ALL TO YOU YOU GIVE ALL TO ME =0$ or?

DONATE? = OK, 50% or I dont know Why do they have a market value, $? Why DONATE? i can sell you back cheap, idk = Q MMe

Back with +300% after -75% (of 100%): Choose 7 day graph https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/mintme-com-coin