Mintme Noticias


Blockchain and work integrity. Starting 2020 on the right foot.

10 ene. 2020

“any businessman or entrepreneur of any kind would be happy to be called a person of integrity.”.

I’ll start this page by asking you an interesting question: when was the last time you read terms of service agreement before clicking "accept"? I don’t need to show you that I’m certain but you will, most likely, answer that you haven’t even read the first terms of service ever. Despite having subscribed to at least 10 different services online in the past year. And you may ask “But what does integrity or blockchain has to do with that?”

Many have been the cases of phishing, malversation, identity robbery, extortion, and even exhausting and intrusive advertisement. More today than ever, people should start worrying about saving the integrity of their identity and their work, to be able to say that they have remained untouched and faithful to what they wanted to be and what they wanted to offer to their clients, making sure that they deliver exactly what they intended to and that the back and forth benefit of the common market works without hindrances of these kinds. Thankfully since the market knows how to answer people’s demands and needs, we’ve got blockchain technology.

Integrity: A quality of successful people


Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness, the state of being whole and undivided, the condition of being consistent or uncorrupted. This is a huge definition, and any businessman or entrepreneur of any kind would be happy to be called a person of integrity.


Every time the subject of blockchain comes in or I read about blockchain startups this is one of the things that excite me the most: being able to show people a better way to remain in integrity and highly improve human interactions by providing trust and honest market transactions through innovative technology.


Sometimes we ignore how important it is to show our clients that we are honest. Every time a scandal arises against a company the first thing that the company loses isn’t money but credibility and without credibility and trust the business goes down. It is like working hard to mine cryptocurrencies, saving your private key like a big treasure and then suddenly losing it forever and all of your cryptos with it. Sad, isn’t?

My work is important


Whenever you sign up for a service, whether you are selling a product or buying it you want to be able to trust such a service. If you are a designer, for example, and you have a full stock on your website you’d like to be able to sell your work fairly and be able to demonstrate that your work is original and 100% made by you.


Since commerce in all subjects has turned to the online world, new rules have been set. People could easily buy from a banner saying “click here” before, but people don’t click banners that easily anymore. why? they don't trust it. Perhaps music wasn’t for everyone when they had to buy a vinyl player but now there are so many services in the area of music that to save your work, or even sell it for the right price is a whole new challenge.


MintMe is motivated by the thought of people needing a more steady way to make business and online commerce. By allowing people to create tokens it is trying to show the people a better way to sell and buy, interact and even help crowdfund other projects, invest in people like in stocks and make worldwide transactions of cryptocurrencies based on the MintMe Coin blockchain. Allow me to disclose this further to you:

Blockchains and Tokenization


We share our information everywhere, sign up for many services, write our names in many surveys and scroll in social media platforms, commenting and liking in publications of people we don’t even know. We increasingly rely on the internet for communicating with friends or family, contact with professional associates, banking, confirming credit card purchases and so much more. Can we be sure that our information is safe? Can we be sure that the information that is being shared is trustworthy?


Having said that, if I were to tell you that there is a way to keep your data secured, to increase trust, sell your work for the right price with no intermediaries, and buy from everywhere in the world, would you say no to that? This is exactly what blockchain and a project like mintMe means. When we talk about blockchain as means of improving security and trust, by validating your identity, offering more direct connections in a business to business or business to person situation we are talking about tokenization: The possibility to create your own cryptocurrency.

By having your own digital currency or token you are also creating a whole environment that can ensure your brand and allow people to identify with you and your product. If your token is called with a unique name and is personalized, it means that in any place of the world that token is especially linked to you and people can relate to that as part of your brand.

If we don’t know then it doesn’t hurt?

When I’ve had the chance to explain how blockchain technology works to my family and friends one of their most common arguments is “do we really need it?” They want to know why we are so eager to change aspects that seem to be working just alright and they want to know what would be different. Not only people are afraid of changes but also many ignore the reason why they would need those changes.


Technology is explosive and overwhelming, we are surrounded by it in everyplace. Every aspect of the human life is constantly evolving, some changes take more time than others indeed, but what we cannot deny is that we are still far from having the perfect technological future we have all dreamed of and if we don't allow changes and innovations we aren't allowing a better future. By allowing yourself to create your own token and turning to new technologies like blockchain you are embracing a change that we need.

You may not know it, but the human kind is evolving into new things every moment. It should always be exciting to see how life improves and the advances should never stop surprising us. But there is a moment in which we seem to get so used to technology that we start trusting too much, and reach a stuck point. We may feel secure and think that it is perfect already, and as I mentioned before, there are some things that maybe we are not seeing, which is why we’ve got this thrilling job of sharing the benefits of blockchain technology and the many needs that receive and answer through it.


An example to convince you

I like the example of the blindfold acceptance of the terms of service, although it's become quite common to agree to these digital policies without even caring to check. Most of them are, in practical terms, only offering a take-it-or-leave-it proposition so we may not have a lot to argue about, but each one of those accept buttons is another step toward giving up our rights to privacy and our personal data that may, in fact, be far more valuable than we realize.


In contrast with the decentralized dream usually, our user names, passwords, pictures, messages, and personal information are being stored on centralized corporate servers. And many of those servers, I have to mention, have remained centralized despite the attention on all sorts of problems regarding data loss and misuse over the last several years.

Are you still thinking that it's alright to remain unchanged? We must start this 2020 with the right foot. The call is for you to allow yourself to engage with new technologies, try blockchain and create a token, become the factor of change. As for work-business integrity, surrounded by so many competitors and possibilities, wouldn't you want to be the person that people can really count on and trust? This is priceless.

By Mary Schwartz