Aureus Nummus

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Aureus Nummus
Historial de trade

Gold backed cryptocurrency. Managed by Quantum Computing Labs Corp of Canada. Website: Https:// Questions: In terms of market capitalization one of the 3 - 4 largest cryptocurrencies in the world.

Listado en:
27 Oct 2022
Ordenes activas:
11 628 647.0000
En la billetera del exchange:
Volumen de compras directas:
55 777
Últimas noticias
09:05:12 16 May, 2023

Please check out our website at We will be listed on a major billion dollar exchange within the next few weeks. The price peaks of up to a market capitalization of half a trillion dollar in recents days shows what potentially could be the future of the Aureus Nummus Gold. We work to become the first trillion dollar crypto token in the world. We also work on reducing the price fluctuations with a variety of measures (no algorithms will be used).