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We make our own destiny
16:11:11 29 Nov, 2021

Sortem Suam Quisque Amet.

Key: ,. = the extensional device -> etc. Begin Earth Coincidence Control Office (ECCO) transmission: I need Slack; you need Slack; everyone needs Slack. It is good to give each other Slack ~ala Bob Dobbs, discordian, cutting-edge cyberpunkian, memetic paradigms,.~ so as to be able to live free, exciting, creative,. lives. Newly accelerated advancements in memetics, crypto, VR, robotics, AI, AR, the Metaverse and lots, lots more, has as a byproduct the freeing up of our time to actually think, be creative and have fun, exuberant, exciting,. interaction and times with other like-minded humans, avatars, cyborgs, bots, gods, demigods, superheroes, wizards, mutants, medusas & minotaurs,. Economic systems, as a matter of course, will have - and are having - to change as machines and technology as our saviors effectively eliminate the need to spend our precious time in unenlightened work slavery,. It's time to make this life on Earth, Moon, Mars, offworld colonies,. in conjunction with blockchain, smart contract,. Metaverse,. our playground, which most certainly requires a generous amount of Slack, praise Bob! Arise. Arriba, Arriba, Andele, Arriba! End of line. Master Control Program is out.

Creado el:
13 Mar 2021
Ordenes activas:
Período de liberación:
0 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
10 000 000.0000
En la billetera del exchange:
9 999 953.0000
Vendido en el mercado:
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Últimas noticias
16:11:11 29 Nov, 2021

Sortem Suam Quisque Amet.

14:11:37 29 Nov, 2021

Get yourself some free bitcoin,. referral link:

19:11:11 26 Nov, 2021

The Great I AM principal in infinity is pleased to announce that Slack token is now on Ethereum blockchain. Forward march! Om namo bhagavate, Om namo Bob.

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