MINTME developers should vest the premined coins in a smart contract

Fecha de inicio: 05.11.2022 17:05:24 | Fecha de finalización: 06.01.2022 17:06:00 | Creada por: Centipede5

Currently about 350 million mintme generated during the pre-mine are sitting in this address: 0x8cc415d55815d092d59d1ff66bd751bae519c9ec As of right now this is not only the largest mintme holder (by a factor of around 10) but contains most of the total mintme in existence. New investors would probably be suspicious of a chain where more than half of the coins are controlled by the developers, and could theoretically be dumped at any time, not to mention if the address's key was hacked. Vesting is a process where tokens are locked programmatically in a smart contract for a certain period of time, after which they are returned. This prevents dumping those coins and destroying the value. Juice said on whats happening to these coins: There will be some burning 🙂 Rest will be separated into specific purpose wallets, development, marketing, chain investments, team and so on and on. If done correctly, Vesting should barely effect this goal see community discord for more details



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