MintME 2.0 network upgrade

Fecha de inicio: 05.09.2022 04:05:23 | Fecha de finalización: 06.08.2022 04:06:00 | Creada por: jessielesbian

Dear MintME community [br][/br] I want to propose a MintME 2.0 network upgrade that is capable of sending MintME to $1 apiece. [br][/br] My plan comes in 2 phases: execution layer upgrade and consensus upgrade [br][/br] The execution layer upgrade aims to implement the latest Ethereum features, such as EIP-1559 transaction fee burning, or EIP-3529 gas refunds reduction. It will help launch a proper DeFi ecosystem on MintME blockchain. [br][/br] The consensus layer upgrade aims to fix the centralization issue of the MintME blockchain. Currently, coin-imp had 60% of the network hash rate due to web mining activity, which means that MintME is centralized. This can be stopped by switching to RandomX, and eventually Ethereum-style proof-of-stake. [br][/br]



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