Report token button/Verified tokens

Fecha de inicio: 05.09.2022 03:05:21 | Fecha de finalización: 06.08.2022 03:06:00 | Creada por: jessielesbian

Dear people After a long Reddit meme campaign about why MintME is not a good platform, I want to clarify what I want. I'm giving this platform one last chance to fix it's relationship with me and EUBI. We fled this platform because some scammers felt bitter that EUBI used to be the second biggest project and got all the token sales and wrote lies about us. EUBI may resume operations here if you guys implement either of these Report token button My first proposed solution is a report token button that enables the removal of scam tokens from the platform. This solution would protect investors against scams. Verified tokens My second proposed solution is a verified tokens feature where some token creators can verify that the token was indeed created by a legally-recognized entity (e.g EUBI). This solutions can help legit projects stand out in a sea of scammers.



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