5COIN is the cryptocurrency that powers TOP5RAPWEBSITE.com's donation system! After donating USD (or your local currency) to TOP5RAPWEBSITE, you will receive 5COIN. There is no further action needed from you after receiving your 5COIN – your donation will be processed and your 5COIN will be held in your wallet as proof-of-donation! Why Donate Using 5COIN? Donating in this manner incentives both you and I! For You, you can securely process a donation to TOP5RAPWEBSITE, and as an added benefit you will also receive the 5COIN cryptocurrency. What Can I Do With 5COIN? As the donor, you may treat this 5COIN simply as a receipt/proof-of-donation, or you can buy/sell this coin in the cryptocurrency marketplace! How Does This Work? If you simply want to leave a kind donation for TOP5RAPWEBSITE, then you may skip this portion. Your donation will be securely processed and received and no further action from you is needed with your 5COIN But for more industrious donors, there are market opportunities in 5COIN: Because 5COIN's value is pegged to TOP5RAPWEBSITE.com, if the value of TOP5RAPWEBSITE increases (views, sponsors, ads, etc), theoretically, so will the price of 5COIN. This means that if you donated to TOP5RAPWEBSITE early and held your 5COIN, you can now sell the 5COIN for profit! This is a new, inventive way to source donations and crowdfunding. Thank you for supporting TOP5RAPWEBSITE! - Troy, Founder of top5rapwebsite.com

crée le:
10 Apr 2021
Ordres actifs
1 482 639.0000
Période de libération:
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Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
8 500 000.0000
Vendu sur le marché:
17 360.7414
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