We are an investment fund specializing in investment and support for 4.0 technology startups. We seek, research and support fundraising for startup ideas of all individuals and organizations around the world, helping them to improve their products and services so they can open up company and develop next steps. We issue BTCC token to make it easy for everyone to accompany us on the long-term development of the Company. BTCC token holders will be rewarded with our tokens, which will be issued at a later stage. BTCC token prices are currently very cheap, so everyone should hold early.

crée le:
31 Oct 2020
Ordres actifs
1 441 082.0000
Période de libération:
2 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
10 000 000.0000
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
4 501 410.8364
Vendu sur le marché:
4 745 586.3998
Pas encore libéré:
Volume d'achat direct:
Latest News
Le créateur du jeton n'a ajouté aucun post pour l'instant.
Price Overview
Principaux détenteurs
Trader Montant
3 749 761
495 719
281 568
114 472
49 999
36 466
10 036
4 926
Bounty campaigns
Token shop