Introducing Sec19, the cutting-edge cryptocurrency designed to bridge the gap between digital assets and regulatory compliance. Developed in collaboration with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Sec19 aims to provide a secure and compliant ecosystem for investors, businesses, and financial institutions. Sec19 leverages the power of blockchain technology to enable transparent and immutable transactions while ensuring adherence to regulatory guidelines set by the SEC. With a strong focus on investor protection and market integrity, Sec19 provides a robust framework for token issuers to conduct compliant token sales and offerings.

crée le:
08 Jul 2023
Ordres actifs
Période de libération:
0 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
10 000 000.0000
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
10 000 000.0000
Vendu sur le marché:
Pas encore libéré:
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