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Trade History SprugX token is an asset backing and crowd funding source for the SprugX blockchain giving us the ability to lower our operating costs The SprugX token also shows good faith by taking steps to match the SPrugX coin to what mintme users hold in the SprugX token. This token funds the research and development of a blockchain, mining devices websites and more for sprugX the SprugX token is a member of the Sprug solar system helping to build a cooperative bridge between SprugX and all who would like to swap their coin for SprugX coin. Goals 1. Website creation (3 month goal) 2. development of SprugX (1 year -5 year goal) 3. blockchain development and cooperation with exchanges to develop relationships that are beneficial to both sides 4. maintain SprugX erc-20 token on all cooperative blockchains and exchanges as well as maintain SprugX Blockchain/coin

crée le:
23 Aug 2022
Ordres actifs
149 997.0000
Période de libération:
3 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
7 042 313.5464
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
6 892 313.5464
Vendu sur le marché:
Pas encore libéré:
2 957 686.4535
Volume d'achat direct:
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