True ownership of deployed tokens

Start date: 09.18.2023 09:09:09 | End date: 09.30.2023 09:09:00 | Created by: SASVTokenCreator

I paid to have my token deployed on Binance Smart Chain because of their transparency and good customer service. However I now feel taken advantage of for having to pay to have the token creator address transferred to me. transactions I make off the mintme platform aren't being recorded and I have a serious project. How can I not be floored with rage when after they get paid you find out they won't create a market for the Blockchain the contract was submitted on. The security risks make my token not valuable. Worse all crypto people wanted to give me, was taken and replaced with mintme tokens. I flipped out and then was told how they operate. If you pay for a token deployment, you should get a market and transfer of address. Especially since it was a proxy contract that can be hacked easily. Plus their charging me to use mintme Blockchain instead of Binance which I paid for. So if I want any BNB transactions recorded to reflect price in BNB I cant. All this money spent for nothing..



Current Results
