Dance and music

Contract address

Dance and music tokens are aimed at dance and music lovers. Of course, supporters are the ones who support this initiative. Dancers and musicians are the ones who create content. The dance and music show has been running for over six years. It is already popular on several platforms. The top three supporters of the Dance and music project: More supporters coming soon! The top ten supporters of the Dance and music project: More supporters coming soon! This dance and music show is aimed at people over 18. Videos should be at least one minute long. You need to share a dance or music video and not a picture. The dance and music show runs at . These are the supporters of the Dance and music show: You can also trade our token at and . Please visit, . 🌟 100 Dance and Music Tokens 🌟 For all you superstars out there, if the video you're sharing and the performance in that video are entirely your own creation, we're rewarding you with dazzling 100 Dance and Music Tokens! It's time to shine like the star you are! 🌟 10 Dance and Music Tokens 🌟 Even if both the video and the performance don't belong to you, we want you to be part of the fun. By participating in our show, you'll still earn 10 Dance and Music Tokens. It's all about celebrating the art and the community. You can use the "Buy from creator" option if you like to support the Dance and music project. Thank you! P.S. Support our dance and music token if you would like to support this show.

Created on:
04 Jul 2021
Already released:
5 183 389.8751
Not yet released:
4 816 610.1248
Active orders:
1 520 528.0000
Created on:
04 Jul 2021
Active orders:
1 520 528.0000
Release period:
10 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
5 183 389.8751
Wallet on exchange:
1 107 233.8462
1 181 329.0400
Sold on the market:
1 525 353.3661
Not yet released:
4 816 610.1248
Direct buy volume:
297 444
Latest News
01:06:43 03 Jun, 2024

Success is not a matter of luck or casual effort but the culmination of relentless hard work, dedication and energy. Every achievement reflects countless hours of perseverance and the unwavering commitment to overcome obstacles. Remember, the road to success is paved with determination and resilience. #Success #HardWork #Dedication #Perseverance #Motivation

00:06:19 03 Jun, 2024

I have an ambitious vision for the Dance and Music project on MintMe. I aim to make it bigger than any talent show out there. By leveraging the unique capabilities of blockchain technology, we can create a global stage that celebrates diverse talents, offers unparalleled exposure, and provides fair compensation to artists. Let’s revolutionise the way we discover and support talent together! Join me in this exciting journey and let’s make history! Tags: #DanceAndMusic #TalentShow #Blockchain #MintMe #GlobalStage #SupportArtists #RevolutioniseTalent

15:06:26 02 Jun, 2024

This is a new round. This event brings more users to the dance and music community. You can buy Dance and music token memberships in the token shop. Drop a comment and include one of the hashtags: #Diamond, #Platinum, #Gold, #DDTM, #PDTM, #GDTM, #GDAM24M, #SDTM, #BDTM or #Nomembership. As a thank you for being part of our vibrant community, you'll receive some Dance and music tokens to enhance your experience even further! Let's keep the music playing and the dance floor rocking! Join us in celebrating the power of community and the joy of music and dance. 🕺💃 As a token creator, you could tip users' comments and increase the number of your token holders. #Danceandmusictokens #Contentcreator #Donatellotokens

Price Overview
Top Holders
Trader Amount
595 640
497 959
464 215
275 881
176 488
122 897
119 298
74 519
46 942
37 553
Bounty campaigns
Token shop