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Explore a universe where creativity and open source empowerment come together to unfold a world of possibilities! From socail group topics, cryptocurrency, virtual hubs an interactive click-based "farmer" game where you can hatch eggs for game points to request ecosystem tokens and more! Expand Your Journey: Immerse yourself in a cryptocurrency social network with a channel and group topics, create your own group topics and promote your creator content on Minds! Design Your Environment: Shape your experience by joining community groups moderated by passionate members, ensuring a curated and enjoyable environment. Via our community website NFTs: Collect and trade cards with others worth MTCG in our token shop with a Momint account. MTCG Rewards: Get recognized for your community-building activities with MTCG reward bounties. It's not just a community; it's a rewarding journey! Ecosystem: Elevate your experience with our MTCG token – a gateway to personal group promotions, shop items, and more. Grow your brand or community by promoting your unique social token on our website via our shop items. Open Source Empowerment: Embrace the power of open source! Remix the MindsGaming website, start your own community, and explore resources freely. The possibilities are limitless! Let your imagination soar let's build vibrant communities together, To Infinity and beyond!

Created on:
22 Apr 2021
Already released:
9 691 537.3287
Not yet released:
308 462.6712
Active orders:
2 822 705.0000
Created on:
22 Apr 2021
Active orders:
2 822 705.0000
Release period:
3 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
9 691 537.3287
Wallet on exchange:
271 367.2811
1 000.0000
Sold on the market:
1 926 671.0135
Not yet released:
308 462.6712
Direct buy volume:
34 173
Latest News
15:06:37 02 Jun, 2024

14:06:19 02 Jun, 2024

14:06:37 01 Jun, 2024

It's a new month, you know the drill, go vote! The token shops are excellent idea and valuable resource for users who wish to handle merchandise or link external resources to their tokens. However, I prefer not to manage anything or deal with the tedium of linking each item and tracking it for external resources. I simply want to create. I believe a straightforward method for uploading and downloading images from shop posts would significantly benefit users. The metadata and upload features can always be connected to the blockchain later. The shop posts would remain largely unchanged, featuring a title and description. The primary difference would be that when someone purchases an item from the shop, it would unlock any download associated with that shop item within the shop ite9m post itself. That's it; that's my recommendation for this month. Thank you for voting!