CBomber Token

Dirección del contrato

CRYPTO BOMBER Crypto Bomber is a Play-to-Earn game with CBOMBER as token reward. This token has an auto staking function that pays USDT for its holders. Crypto Bomber is a Play to Earn NFT RPG developed on the Polygon Mainnet. The game revolves around the acquisition of blastering Bombs and powerful Heroes to detonate them agains Replicants. Players may participate in combat using their assets to earn CBOMBER tokens. Assets are player's owned NFTs minted in the ERC-721 Coingecko https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/cbomber Coinmarketcap https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/crypto-bomber/ Quickswap https://quickswap.exchange/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xcf74ae52ae2c848387e6cd0048e1ec5a93ee2c66&outputCurrency=0x0d500b1d8e8ef31e21c99d1db9a6444d3adf1270 https://cryptobomber.io/

Listado en:
06 Feb 2023
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