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The PIXIRADIO Token is created to revolutionize the streaming remuneration system for musician artists. It will soon allow https://www.pixiradio.com/ listeners to receive rewards. it is also directly linked to the collection https://opensea.io/collection/pixiradio to allow investing to optimise the profits. Holders of these tokens will be able to automatically receive 100 PIXR as a reward when they send some Tokens, thus, during its release at the price of e $ 1, they will have the opportunity to grow their investment before the stock of reward is completed. It's high time to buy your tokens.

Listado en:
05 Apr 2023
Ordenes activas:
En la billetera del exchange:
5 004 000.0000
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
El creador del token no ha añadido ninguna publicación todavía.