10,004,185 Max supply. Renegade Tokens mining tokens is completed. Some how there's extra tokens. Begining Value 10 Milliion

Project trading increase in volume. Renegade reach 2 million renegade trading volume.

10,004,185 Max supply. Renegade Tokens mining tokens is completed. Some how there's extra tokens. Begining Value 10 Milliion

Secondary Exchange wallet 0x2b471643d8bD75F5c87266D5465EcAe43D539690 Renegade (Avax) https://www.coinscan.com/avalanche/0x66c04239741024d3e72051500f18f8ab654660ba

We are releasing our 3rd QTR retail products. Retail store is to offer different retail products. 2nd Qtr company release Usb node that offer Pittsburgh Digital Firm LLC products & services. We created a economy infrastructure for project to operate daily. Each format will each be different. Domain is closed. Store closed old P.O box Headquaters will recieve products #pittfirm #renegade

Add your project to store. Spending supply(Project Owner) to community wallet. We can use them if they have a utility.#Renegade

Avax : Renegade Project focus on business project & online store. Retail products addding Timestamp Times newspapers. Use Renegade supply to spend on Pittsburgh Digital Firm LLC retail products using projects as a brand. #renegade #pdf

Project supply is going to Secondary Exxchange Wallet.

Project tokens are added to exchange. Updates: Online will be adding more products. Domain was transfer to main domain. All domains are stored in one location.#Renegade