
Dirección del contrato

Laetus is a Latin adjective that can mean : happy/cheerful/joyful/glad; favorable/promising; prosperous/successful. The audience can award this token to content creators as a way of appreciating their work.

Creado el:
22 Oct 2021
Ordenes activas:
1 975 753.0000
Período de liberación:
10 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
4 949 377.6255
En la billetera del exchange:
1 656 729.1197
Vendido en el mercado:
120 748.9428
No liberados aún:
5 050 622.3744
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
02:10:20 09 Oct, 2023

Dear member Create a post at then come back here and share your post link as a comment here. You will receive 1 Laetus token as a tip. #Laetus #dance #music #laetus

15:09:15 30 Sep, 2023

Dear member Create a post at then come back here and share your post link as a comment here. You will receive 1 Laetus token as a tip. #Laetus #dance #music #laetus

00:09:13 20 Sep, 2023

Dear member Create a post at then come back here and share your post link as a comment here. You will receive 1 Laetus token as a tip. #Laetus #dance #music #laetus