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Coin creation: getting started in the cryptocurrency industry as a woman

23 oct. 2020

           As a woman myself, I’ve experienced what it is like to be in a place or get started in a project and find myself as the only woman among the people in the groups or the only female among those showing interest. But truly, getting started in any industry as a woman has always been a matter of surprise for many, even for women, more so now in such a “male-dominated” industry such as the crypto industry. However, the time has already started to change, and coin creation or token minting is one of those blockchain methods that have become a solution to the problem of female inclusion and equality.

Blockchain is egalitarian

           If we want to talk about including women (or women feeling freer to join their preferred industry) we need to start talking about how the traditional banking and economic system works poorly towards providing a sense of real equality. Blockchain, through the use of cryptocurrencies, looks forward to somehow “divorce” transactions entirely from the traditional monetary system and the organizations that run it allowing people (the network) to be their own rulers in a more reliable ecosystem.

Cryptocurrencies, as basic, are backed by mathematics instead of state governments or social stigmas. The blockchain is a shared, digital record of all the transactions called blocks that have ever been exchanged. Every transaction contains a cryptographic record of the previous succession of blocks forming a chain of exchanges that are mathematically verified to be valid by the community that has joined such blockchain. The same way people who join MintMe Coin blockchain mining, actively participate to create reliable and traceable transactions.

As a manifestation of those changes that crypto has accomplished in the monetary system we now have the opportunity to create our own digital coin/token once again meaning that Cryptocurrencies can certainly be very valuable to the global economy but more so to society in general, boosting our freedom and equality.

Coin creation to get started with crypto

           Money has always played a critical role in the evolution of society because it determines the sectors which receive more benefits or advantages and how commercial affairs-projects are managed around the world. In order to understand the role cryptocurrencies can play in our future society, we need to understand what money does and what it represents.

By creating coins people aren’t only creating a method of payment but also an ecosystem of trust in which all people are allowed to participate, which is why it can become the best way to join the crypto industry from scratch. Any service we provide or personal creations can be monetized through token creation. As women earn more freedom and start to participate freely in the market they can also be encouraged to foray into the crypto industry.

With the massification of the internet in all dialy life matters, we are witnessing a steady transition away from value embedded in physical assets to value created by digital assets. And even though before women could have been judged for the gender instead of the quality of their job, cryptocurrencies and tokenization depend solely on the desire people have to grow independently, relying only on a community that is willing to pay for quality and for products that can be delivered fast around the world.

custom cryptocurrencies are for everyone, it doesn’t matter the status or the social position, gender, or even banking accounts. Anyone can get started and join a growing industry through token creation today.

Mary Schwartz