Version 1.2 is here! It is the first version mainly focused on features, such as:
Donations - Simple interface to donate money to the token creator. Fans get tokens in return for donations and only token creator sell orders are used in the process. So it is a way to donate money directly to token creators. Token creators have to make sure they have active sell orders on the market.
Paid posts - Token creator can create posts visible to everyone or only to token holders
Airdrops - Token creator can create airdrops so users can get some tokens for free and be encouraged to buy more
Avatars - Personalized avatars for profiles and tokens
Ethereum - Added ETH/MINTME pair
Improved design - Lots of small changes across the whole site
Nickname system - MintMe, where everyone has a nickname, becomes more transparent. At the same time, we no longer show the first and last name in the trading history, proving that the privacy of our users is a very important aspect. It will also allow additional social interactions in the future.
API functions - Added additional methods requested by users like withdrawal
Performance improvements - Everything works faster
Rating system - Each token is automatically rated
Referral program - Everyone now gets additionally their share when the referred user deploys his token to the blockchain
Additional features
- Introduction content should be readable by Google
- Change H2 to H1 for KB titles for better SEO of token pages
- Change cursor when hovering buy or sell orders
- The image in news should be a link
- Add message for guests to restricted posts
- Add "or device" to logging in notify email
- Nickname, description, and avatar image are not shown when posting a profile link
- Remove not needed arrows
- Move success notification to the token page.
- Pictures should load from newest to oldest (change order of loading images on the news page)
- Distinguish the testing environment in google analytics
- Remove form fields for buy and sell orders when a user is not logged in
- New function for the referral program
- Disallow hyphens in a token's name
- CSRF protection
- Change profile page title
- MintMe Coin news features moved to MintMe.com
- The hover effect is almost invisible
- Add new parameter
- Mintme consumers losing connection
- Additional H1 instead of H2 and updated description
- Docker add volumes for gateways
- Improve settings' design
- Logout redirection and history validation
- Improve token name validation
- The currency selector is not aligned with the Trading header
- Highlight currently visited pages in the top menu.
- Missing container piece
- Improve deposit more feature
- Highlight changes on buy and sell orders lists
- Update token deployment status without refreshing page
- Enable Xdebug in Docker
- Enable tracing in Docker
- Remove blue and white squares
- Enable HTTPS in Docker
- Disallow adding token or coin words to the name of the token
- Update sitemap.xml
- Emails do not use the same font color as the site
- Email notification about logging in from new device and/or location
- Broken images are shown on maintenance mode
- Change favicon on maintenance mode
- Allow one character names profile
- Unsubscribe system
- Add missing Required note to obligatory fields
- Hide trailing zeros in withdrawal/deposit completion emails
- Change links in the wallet for tokens
- Implement an arbitrary-precision arithmetic library
- Improve validation for mintme's addresses
- Front-end and Back-end validations
- Improve market price logic on token's trade page for buy and sell orders
- Change of password has to require 2FA code
- Content-type incorrectly stated (font/TTF)
- TwoFactorSubscriber improvements
- Display time in 24h format
- Remove tooltip in trader column on Top Holders container
- Points for filling the information in token and profile
- Create info bar for the testing environment
- Improved design
- Change the red alert notification message in the login module, when a user has been disabled
- Improve filtering for trading page
- Add a notification email after changing password
- Update token release statistics when form request is submitted
- Enable CSP
- Buy depth
- Profile and token personalized avatars
- Nickname implementation and change in profile logic
- Show information about other traders for orders with the same price in buy/sell order list on the Trade page.
- Remove tooltip for pair of tokens with short names (not truncated) on the trading module
- Titles on pages with info about tokens
- Remove special style for the first token
- Market price doesn't auto-update
- Docker compatibility improvement
- Ethereum multiple transactions handling
- Balances on the trade page don’t auto-update with HTTPS
- Donations are not recorded in token's trade history
- Donation volume stat doesn't update
- Wrong sorting on the trading page
- MITNME deposit process improvement
- Docker error unknown exchange type
- Facebook CSP error
- Some media resources are not working correctly
- Token's name response
- Trade history is not working in ETH/MINTME
- The register function is broken
- The content of the description and post is missing
- Console error is affecting functions in v120 and issue branches
- Console error on BTC and ETH markets
- Options in the navbar tend to be misaligned
- MintMe Coin name
- Turn off autocompletion
- Profile security improvements
- Fixes for trading page pagination
- Wrong sort of orders
- A dropdown list is deploying in front of the button
- The message "no token yet" appears while there are tokens in the list
- Wrong time format
- Market cap text in trading needs a space between number and BTC
- Wrong sorting of active orders on the trade page for all markets
- MINTME markets design changes
- Wrongly executed buy orders on BTC market
- Sorting by deployed tokens is only available to logged-in users
- API offset improvements
- The horizontal scrollbar on the trading page
- ETH/MINTME market
- Donation fixes
- Loading of token's subpages.
- Token's name falls out from the deposit modal if the name is too long
- Text and edit icon overlaps in the profile page
- Show USD currency for Buy Depth
- Design changes in the token page and distance change from the top and belts vertical size
- CSP is not working for the API docs page
- Buys/sell orders are created wrongly
- Rounding is necessary to represent the result of the operation at this scale
- The height of the lists and items on posts is high
- Wallet balance doesn't auto-update after withdrawal
- "Post" and "Trade" tabs do not appear on mobile
- Token name's font
- Trade history is not working in BTC/MINTME
- Disable certain API functions for blocked tokens and/or accounts
- Additional donations method checks
- Small donations not working as expected
- Long token name is not being cut
- The unwanted thick line in token edition
- Sell orders can't be placed for BTC/MINTME
- Tooltip doesn't show up
- It is almost impossible to hit "?" near market price
- Remove scrollbar for smart contract
- Wallet on exchange statistic doesn't show the right value after token deployment
- Social media and website links are not working
- Adding a new image to create a post isn't working correctly
- The menu is not working
- Images missing from news/archive
- Console error uncaught after clicking on edit token options
- An unexpected blue square
- Improve executing orders.
- Item list BBCode is misplaced
- The website text box is shorter and the buttons are misaligned
- Console error while creating token
- Links for App store and Google play store don't change the color back after being clicked
- Buy/Sell and Trade history containers are broken
- Currency/token balance isn't auto-updating
- Wrong airdrop campaign end date
- Quality of logo
- The menu icon is not working
- The field for 2fa code is not reset after closing the withdrawal modal
- Total to withdraw value misplaced
- Total earned on the referral program
- The broken image on news post list
- BTC/MINTME market doesn't load directly to trade
- Remove arrows
- Copy icon for oAuth
- Scroll bars are visible by default on the documentation page
- Highlights are disabled for sub-pages on mintme
- Sign up confirmation link leads to 404 page
- Log in link on the sign up the container is too separated
- The trading page has deprecated info from panel db
- The missing search bar on the news page
- Width and position of the search for the token dropdown list
- Bugged sorting when the volume is the same
- User avatar dropdown list not showing
- Cancellation 'x' on firefox's token search bar
- Show proper menu on error pages
- Wrong display of int values on the chart
- Token creation is not working
- Improve trading history in the wallet.
- Incorrect git submodule update for docker
- The buttons background color on main page (logged in view) are wrong
- Add mechanism to block and unblock tokens for administration
- Change alert for withdrawals
- Notifications block menu navigation
- Margins on API Documentation
- Hide icon's edges
- Headers on trade history are misaligned
- Wrong container sizes
- Add backend validation for discord and telegram fields
- Email code for deletion of a token is reusable
- Add backend validation for price in sell orders
- Red alert when moving back to the wallet.
- Empty space on FAQ container
- Discord & Telegram link icons are misaligned
- The scaling of the MintMe logo looks distorted in emails
- Facebook sites droplist's color font is hard to distinguish
- Change response body messages for API
- Facebook and Youtube link addresses need to be shortened on the introduction module
- Confirmation email improvements
- Sorting arrows for position column don't work for narrow windows
- Front-end issues on API (settings page)
- Fix token name validation
- Scroll down button not working on Firefox
- Help page font color differs from other sections
- Wrong warning message
- Hide traders with small amount of tokens
- Front-end is failing on resetting page
- Wrong tooltip message
- Improve sorting of markets
- Error on the console when attempting to edit token
- Duplicated and missing information
- TAB key switching not working
- Update list of accessible pages for semi-logged user
- KB is out of place with a narrow window
- Numbers placed at candlestick chart's right side get disappeared
- API wrong sorting of results
- The wrong message displayed when deleting creator's website
- Problem with Search for the token suggester
- Grammar mistake
- Remove prelaunch from mintme
- Wrong statistics for Sold on the market and Withdrawn
- Withdrawal history time does not match the actual time
- Long token names with a hyphen are broken into 2 lines incorrectly
- Additional security fixes
- Typo in bbcode's help tooltip
- Order box information is overlapped on API documentation
- Change the size of favicons and background to speed up page loading
- Fix deployment icon on trading page for token names
- Can not connect to internal services
- Create a token form. Invalid "Cancel" button CSS
- Bad UX/design on sorting arrows in the trading table
- Sorting not working on the table on trading history tab on the wallet page
- Matching order improvements
- Trying to access array offset on the value of type null
- Posting images on the description is not working well
- Deletion on the knowledge base
- Performance delays
- All branches share the same BTC/MINTME market
- Switching between subpages is not working smoothly
- Style of posts affects top menu
- Users can see pages that need full active session
- Add/Remove role not working