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Token creation to support ideological movements

Nov 16, 2020

           Social science defines an ideology as a normative set of collective emotions, ideas, and beliefs that are compatible with each other and are especially concerned with human social behavior. As we drive into a more equal society and market with the use of new technologies such as blockchain, we also get to understand how they can significatively influence how groups of people, communities, or organizations can connect and support each other through the use of digital coins or tokens created with a purpose. .

“Ideologies can favor or not the discovery of the individual, whom he wants to be, the social relationship he wants to establish with their environment, and what family, country, society or world they want to build and bequeath to those who will come.”

           The predominant types of ideology today explain a good deal of how we behave collectively as a society or seeing it from a global perspective. Although it may not seem so, in our ways of thinking there are always beliefs and perspectives that we have inherited from previous generations and that determine a good part of our actions, they can also be based on the support they receive and if there is equality in this aspect perhaps reaching a larger community with new ideas would not be an illusion, this is when creating tokens becomes a thing.

A purpose behind the creation of tokens

The creation of tokens at the moment may not look like a tool to change society, yet what makes token creation powerful is the fact that people can build in a purpose behind it, such as supporting an idea. Because in the end, what gives value to money in all senses is the use we can give to it and if people are moved to make use of it for their daily lives.

On the other hand, we can acknowledge that the civic education of the people is fundamental, to leave aside the inherited, pre-conceived fanaticisms or archaic ideas. To educate critical citizens, that are more difficult to manipulate, involved and not numb informed, that are not entertained as to pass by the real-life situation and constitute a strong pillar of society with as a self-reliant individual. We can say this in general, or try to separate a bit more: Ideologies can favor or not the discovery of the individual, whom he wants to be, the social relationship he wants to establish with their environment, and what family, country, society or world they want to build and bequeath to those who will come.

“Blockchain crowdfunding using tokens is also about permitting people to promote their thoughts and ideas and reach a wider community, a worldwide community that is willing to support them.”

But we aren’t here to talk about which ideologies could be right or wrong according to my humble opinion, yet we are here to somehow made a description of how tokens can favor people with distinct ideas when they unify and receive economic support freely and with means of security.

People can unite

It should also be noted that ideologies are progressing as a result of changes in the society so that today we find ideologies rooted in traditions and customs and others that seek the path of progress based on the need for paradigm shifts. Environmentalist, animalist, humanist, and feminist movements are just some examples, yet they all have the freedom to count on their communities and those who believe like them and connect with one another in their multiple plans, ideas, and projects they start.

Blockchain crowdfunding using tokens is also about permitting people to promote their thoughts and ideas and reach a wider community, a worldwide community that is willing to support them. Thus we can say that token creation can also serve the purpose of uniting people towards a bigger goal, changing society.

Mary Schwartz