1. Clayko Inu and Clayko Inu Dollar: Clayko Inu is the native token, while Clayko Inu Dollar is a stablecoin or a token pegged to a stable value. 2. PancakeSwap: PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It enables users to swap, trade, and provide liquidity for various cryptocurrencies, including your tokens. 3. Liquidity Pool: A liquidity pool is a pool of funds provided by users who want to facilitate trading for a particular token pair. In this case, it's the Clayko Inu and Clayko Inu Dollar pair. 4. How It Works: Users deposit an equal value of Clayko Inu and Clayko Inu Dollar into the liquidity pool. For example, if you deposit $100 worth of Clayko Inu, you also need to deposit $100 worth of Clayko Inu Dollar..

No matter how much money you would invest in ClayCoin, it wouldn’t do anything. few whale Holders are waiting for that push just to dump their coins. Which is wrong due to the fact our lead developer once ran ClayCoin. This question brings... Is ClayCoin dead? Are we working with them? Of course not. But if you want to buy and PROFIT you must buy a lot. Roughly 100,000 ClayCoins. As of partnerships, we are rolling out the best decision I think we should’ve did sooner.

They are gone. We will only go up from here. Buy in now, paper hands will suffer.

KEEP BUYING AND HOLDING CLAYKO Inu. Paper hands will not profit 🐶

Mods and devs will be fired and quit at any given time. If you need to ask any questions or need any help OR CLARIFICATION ABOUT CLAYKO INU, message THE LEAD DEVELOPER OF THIS PROJECT ON TELEGRAM BELOW

On the Clayko Webpage, we introduced a way for everyone to maximize profits. Introducing: The Clayko Inu Foundation Public Burn Address On the webpage below, you MUST send Clayko Inu to the verified Public Burn Address if you wish to burn tokens. By burning tokens, it bring 3 main things , Scarcity,,Demand and a increase in price. Also we pledged to burn 10,000 Clayko Inu tokens (valued at $50k USD+) to start the movement. Which we did. Everything a Clayko Inu holder does is on the Binance Smart Chain. We will emerge.

Clayko Inu will always sell in bundles of 10 on mintme.com If you want to keep your CHIB here on this exchange, that’s fine with me. We as a token will also reign as we will focus more on holders and liquidity on our other exchange , pancakeswap.finance YES, if you buy clayko inu on mintme , transfer to metamask or trust wallet and then become a liquidity provider for the Clayko Inu/BNB pool, you will receive 0.17% in reflections of Clayko Inu and BNB according to your share of the pool. Also on our website is all the tokenomics and information of what sorts.

Total supply: 10,000,000 CHIB Liquidity Pool (PancakeSwap,) 6% (600,000) Burn To Public Address 0.1% (10,000) Team and Founders 5% (500,000) Reserve Fund 7% (700,000) Operational Use 3% (300,000) Transaction Fees LP Reflection Reward 0.17% Each Trade Marketing 5% (500,000) Liquidity Pool 2% Maintenance (200,000) Remaining Clayko Inu: 7,190,000 CHIB Withdrawn Clayko Inu: 2,810,000 CHIB