Start date: 01.26.2025 02:01:19 | End date: 03.02.2025 01:03:00 | Created by: DishesDoneJames
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- No
Should we withdraw and burn 100k DISH? If this gets 10 yes votes, it happens. 100k DISH will be withdrawn and burned.
Current Results

Distributed Energy IInnovations. Big magnetic wheels in rhe sky. The FUTURE.

Come get FREE DISH. Look in bounty shop. Like/share/comment and remember that it's not enough to merely obey Big Brother, Winston. YOU MUST LOVE HIM.

DUMPING 10k DISH to all who submit the password: Trumplestilskin. https://www.mintme.com/token-settings/DISH/promotion/bounty/reward-summary/HUGE-DISH-DUMP Get real (non-bonus) DISH for sharing/liking/commenting this post!

...and don't forget to tip everyone who shares helpful things!

The dishes are done. Come get this free token for no reason at all. Like/share/comment.

What the title says. Like/share/comment. :) https://www.mintme.com/token/TimeCash

Be an early adopter of DISH, the decentralized quantum token of the future. DISH has gained value steadily since inception and is poised to explode when we deploy to blockchain. DISH is supported by proprietary technologies based on recent disclosures in the field of quantum gravity. We have $7b worth of breakthrough technologies in the pipeline. Just wanted to give you a heads up. There's a free airdrop on the DISH token page, or you can buy direct.

Get DISH now before it hits the blockchain and starts rising!