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Our vision started with one token, namely the OTI Community Token, OTICT, to support our causes and we discovered that some people in the community wanted to support specific causes more than others and thus we created a token for each cause. LIFE was created to support our Life projects and causes. We strongly believe in the proverb “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” There are many people in need of help in the world, and if we just give them financial support, why would they need to change their status? Our goal is to offer these people, housing, education and jobs so that they can eventually return to their communities as active members. We know that many people choose to stay on the streets begging for money and support, our focus however are those who landed on the street due to unforeseen circumstances and want to return to normality, those who just need a second change, and a little help to get there. Our current vision and goals are: • Buy/build housing projects to accommodate over 100,000 families who are rendered homeless due to the economic difficulties due to economic crisis and COVID-19 • Deliver 10,000 food hampers per month to families with financial difficulties • Helping people who need medicine or medical procedures done • Helping to develop under developed communities to ensure safe drinking water and access to basic needs. It is important to note that the causes we will be supporting will also include assistance to empower people be become independent. We will help those who have lost their home to find employment so that they can support themselves. The people who will be employed will be at our social enterprises allowing them to contribute to the entities that helped them bounce back on their feet. We will also partner with our supporters to help find employment for those in need. We will continue our educational programs to help people gain skills and competences to increase their employability. More details about our token can be found Find out who OTI is

Listed on:
03 Mar 2022
Wallet on exchange:
495 000 000.0000
Sold on the market:
Active orders:
5 000 000.0000
Listed on:
03 Mar 2022
Wallet on exchange:
495 000 000.0000
Direct buy volume:
Latest News
Support For Ukraine post
09:03:28 04 Mar, 2022

In light of what is happening in Ukraine, OTI LIFE, will use the sale of 5 Billion LIFE tokens for projects in Ukraine. We plan to help with infrastructure rebuilding and assisting people who have been displaced due to the war. We support life and will do everything in our power to assist those in need.