Proposal to Create a TWC 24/7 Live Stream Radio
Start date: 09.01.2021 12:09:06 | End date: 12.20.2021 11:12:00 | Created by: TheWaveCache
Hello TWC Token holders! We are asking our community of supporters to vote on this key decision. The Wave Cache is considering the creation of a permanent 24/7 Live Stream Radio which will cycle through our artists' music and content from musicians that send submissions to our online media channels. We have tested this idea in the past (on YouTube) and have been able to create a live streaming template for our channel using our current resources. The test was overall successful and we were able to manage a couple of hours of audiovisual radio content. However, our current setup is not really suitable for a seamless (no-downtime) music streaming experience. For this we would have to upgrade some of our resources, including equipment (such as a reliable server or third-party service). It's a very small team so every penny and second is valuable to us. Also, it's not just us! All TWC token-holders get to decide where we take this project. Thanks for joining the journey!
Current Results
Please check out the "Voting" tab to help direct where we take the project.
All of our coin holders will be able to submit music and art to us through this form: All of these submissions are prioritized. Thanks for your support. Let's share your art and music!