WWOW is a member (part) of the MTCG ecosystem. Thanks for your Support: 1. Coin: bobdubbloom URL: https://www.mintme.com/token/bobdubbloon https://youtu.be/j7f5mh4yytg

I find it horrible when a dope smoking religious fanatic believes he has the right to judge me and people like me. Won't say a cuss word but will smoke a bowl of weed. I also find it funny how dope smokers will say it is natural to smoke dope so it is good. I suggest that they shove a tree branch up their ass and see how healthy that is. It's natural too. I sit and listen to tons of crazy shit, from people who are crazy as hell, and in their mind they are "normal." On a spiritual level, these people worship Jesus and Budha but they don't understand that is bad. Budha is suppose to encourage you to want more understanding. He is suppose to encourage you to transcend to something better. The same is said about Jesus. Instead these supposed Believers worship the pretty words that are spoken. They look at the beauty of these dieties and that is what they fall in love with. Not the things that these dieties represent. They worshop Budha and Jesus, but, they don't worship the principles.

When you call someone out on a deception and they have no response, be aware, they know what they have done. These are people that crawl back into their dark corner like cock-roaches because they know that they have been deceitful. So for future reference, don't feel bad, silence is also an admittance of guilt. Sometimes we get involved in things because of friendship, only to find out that those friends are just people that exploit. When that happens it's causes heartbreak, but, don't be discouraged. It's not your fault, you just thought they were people who you could trust. I support those who stand for something that is honest, I don't intend to be a part of some secret that nobody else knows about. I'm me and you know what I am about if you actually listen to me. When someone says they support me, I believe them, sometimes that is my downfall though, they don't support a thing I do. Usually, they just want to exploit me to get what they want. That is fine too, lessons learned.

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://rumble.com/v6ix5ea-ancient-mysteries.html?mref=2plz5t&mc=8qrg0

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://rumble.com/v69fnas-quantum-tripper-math-radio-edit.html?mref=2plz5t&mc=8qrg0

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://rumble.com/v5eywzx-resident-evil-the-villiage-part-nineteen.html?mref=2plz5t&mc=8qrg0

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://youtu.be/NLLN-VE1p-A

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://youtu.be/1f3J-WYur2E

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://youtu.be/kQvf6tCyW4E

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://youtu.be/aNM_4puxqtE

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://youtu.be/glp9W8FQ-5s