Mintme Noticias

📢 Attention! Starting with the 2.7 update, scheduled for next week, accounts without trades for 3 consecutive months will face a 0.5% daily conversion rate (or $5 equivalent) for crypto assets (BTC, ETH, BNB, USDC, CRO). The converted amount will be in MINTME on our market. MINTME & regular tokens exempted.

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Happy Diwali to all our MintMe community members!

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By allowing startups to issue and distribute digital tokens to investors, tokenization has revolutionized the traditional fundraising landscape. In this article, we will explore the benefits, challenges, and potential of startup funding through tokenization.

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☕ Just like a good cappuccino, crypto at is all about the perfect blend of innovation and Legacy.

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Happy Halloween!

No tricks, just treats!

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Cryptocurrency has emerged as a disruptive force in the financial world, offering a new way of conducting transactions and managing wealth. As we move towards a digital era, the potential of cryptocurrency to revolutionize traditional finance becomes increasingly evident.

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MintMe brings crypto enthusiasts from all over the world!

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Serve your success al dente!

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Blockchain is a term that you may have heard of, but what does it actually mean? How does it work, and why is it important? In this article, we will try to demystify blockchain and explain its basic concepts in a simple and accessible way.

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On World Post Day, remember when ‘chain letters’ were a thing? Now it’s all about blockchain!

Leer más empowers both creators and traders to connect, collaborate, and benefit.

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Las criptomonedas ofrecen muchos beneficios, como tarifas más bajas, transacciones más rápidas, anonimato y transparencia. Sin embargo, también conllevan muchos riesgos, como la volatilidad, el pirateo, el fraude y el robo. Por lo tanto, es esencial proteger tus activos digitales con medidas adecuadas de ciberseguridad.

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