
Dirección del contrato
18:05:48 31 May, 2024

I will give away 30 1000x tokens. In order to reserve them, you have to create a video about the MintMe.com website, upload it to YouTube and post the link to the video and the wallet address you like to receive the tokens under this post. You have until the 30th of June to create a comment under this Post, then I will pick the 3 best and reward them on the 6th of July. The prices are as the following: The first place receives 15 1000x tokens, the second place receives 10 1000x tokens, and the third place receives 5 1000x tokens.

00:05:06 21 May, 2024

Since MintMe had recently a price hike, do remember to check the other markets of the 1000x Token: 1000x/BNB (https://www.mintme.com/token/1000x/BNB/trade) 1000x/BTC (https://www.mintme.com/token/1000x/BTC/trade) 1000x/ETH (https://www.mintme.com/token/1000x/ETH/trade) It is maybe possible to buy 1000x relatively cheep and sell it for more value on the 1000x/MintMe market.

13:04:33 14 Apr, 2024

New Reward Pools on DogSwap you're now able to add liquidity to the pools 1000x / MintMe, 1000x / $BONE and 1000x / DogSwap and add the resulting LP tokens to a Reward Pool. For doing so, you will slowly earn $BONE tokens, which you can to exchange for 1000x or any other token. Links to the pages: https://www.dogswap.xyz/pools https://www.dogswap.xyz/liquidity

10:10:02 29 Oct, 2023

I would like to reward projects that advances the MintMe ecosystem, like for example swaps, faucets, games and co. Bonus points if there is a use case for 1000x. In order to participate, please post below what your project is, how to use it and how it advances the MintMe ecosystem. You have time until the end of this year to submit your project. Rewards: 1# 20 1000x 2# 10 1000x 3# 5 1000x I will tip the winning projects directly over the tip function on the january 6. Kind regards, Musdasch

14:10:10 21 Oct, 2023

Thanks to all how use the 1000x Token and stayed with the project over the time. Naturally, I'm curious how you use the 1000x token. So I would like to know how you use it. Do you use it to exchange different swap pages? Do you put the coin in some liquidity pools, in order to make more of it? Do you use it as a store of value? Or do you use it just for fun? I'm glad to hear from everybody, and thanks for your trust. Best, Musdasch

12:10:59 07 Oct, 2023

Pairs on 1000x Swap (https://www.1000x.ch/swap): 1000x/BANG 1000x/bitMonky 1000x/BNB (mchain) (Multichain is out of service at the moment, don't use it.) 1000x/BONE 1000x/CLICK 1000x/CoronaCoin Extra 1000x/deZentrale 1000x/DogecoinX 1000x/DogSwap 1000x/Ethereum (mchain) (Multichain is out of service at the moment, don't use it.) 1000x/GTPC 1000x/LIBAS 1000x/MineMintToken 1000x/Mintme Bull 1000x/MintMoXMR 1000x/Ovelle 1000x/PETETE 1000x/PMINT 1000x/PRSS 1000x/Prunity 1000x/Satoshi 1000x/SHELLS 1000x/Smile 1000x/Spiffcoin 1000x/TREE 1000x/USDC (mchain) (Multichain is out of service at the moment, don't use it.) 1000x/XatteR

12:10:58 07 Oct, 2023

Der neue Markt 1000x/BNB soll Ihnen den Umtausch von Token in BNB erleichtern, da der 1000x-Token mit vielen Token auf den folgenden Tauschseiten gepaart ist, sollte es einfacher sein, die Token für BNB zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen. https://www.1000x.ch/swap https://mypeppermint.me/swap https://bone-frontend-amm.vercel.app/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x7b535379bBAfD9cD12b35D91aDdAbF617Df902B2 https://photonswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x7b535379bBAfD9cD12b35D91aDdAbF617Df902B2

15:05:12 28 May, 2023

I added the DogSwap (https://www.mintme.com/token/DogSwap) token to the 1000x SWAP (https://www.1000x.ch/swap) page. You can now swap DogSwap tokens into 1000x Tokens or any other token that got listed. DogSwap has his own swap page If you like, you can check it out. The page offers the function for swapping, Liquidity stacking and farming. Swapping works best on the Old UI (https://dog-swap-seven.vercel.app/). For farming and Liquidity stacking, use the new UI (https://exchange.dogswap.online/). If you like to have a Report on how I used it, please join the discord server and look here (https://discord.com/channels/968830985154211890/1100010210669645898/1112359523328479302)

15:03:02 25 Mar, 2023

I added the MintMoXMR (https://www.mintme.com/token/MintMoXMR) token to the 1000x SWAP (https://www.1000x.ch/swap) page. You can now swap MintMoXMR tokens into 1000x Tokens or any other token that got listed.

18:03:41 17 Mar, 2023

I added the Mintme Bull (https://www.mintme.com/token/Mintme-Bull) token to the 1000x SWAP (https://www.1000x.ch/swap) page. You can now swap Mintme Bull tokens into 1000x Tokens or any other token that got listed.

The 1000x token has been the first token how has been deployed on the MintMe blockchain with mintme.com platform and has been created on 23 May 2020. There are the following services where you can use or earn the 1000x token. The https://www.1000x.ch/swap, where you can exchange your 1000x token in to 23 other tokens. The https://www.dogswap.xyz/, where you can exchange the 1000x token in to BONE, PMINT, DOGSWAP or into other tokens. The https://mypeppermint.me/swap, where you can exchange the 1000x token in to MintMe, PMINT or PUSD. The https://mypeppermint.me/pools, where you can provide liquidity to the exchange and earn some percentage of their exchange fee. The https://photonswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x7b535379bBAfD9cD12b35D91aDdAbF617Df902B2, where you can exchange the 1000x token into other tokens. The goal of this token is to have something valuable that can be given to other people or exchanged for other goods. You can find more information on the https://www.1000x.ch/

Creado el:
23 May 2020
Ya liberado:
1 294 172.8881
No liberados aún:
8 705 827.1118
Ordenes activas:
Creado el:
23 May 2020
Ordenes activas:
Período de liberación:
50 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
1 294 172.8881
En la billetera del exchange:
763 811.0942
Vendido en el mercado:
No liberados aún:
8 705 827.1118
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
18:05:48 31 May, 2024

I will give away 30 1000x tokens. In order to reserve them, you have to create a video about the MintMe.com website, upload it to YouTube and post the link to the video and the wallet address you like to receive the tokens under this post. You have until the 30th of June to create a comment under this Post, then I will pick the 3 best and reward them on the 6th of July. The prices are as the following: The first place receives 15 1000x tokens, the second place receives 10 1000x tokens, and the third place receives 5 1000x tokens.

00:05:06 21 May, 2024

Since MintMe had recently a price hike, do remember to check the other markets of the 1000x Token: 1000x/BNB (https://www.mintme.com/token/1000x/BNB/trade) 1000x/BTC (https://www.mintme.com/token/1000x/BTC/trade) 1000x/ETH (https://www.mintme.com/token/1000x/ETH/trade) It is maybe possible to buy 1000x relatively cheep and sell it for more value on the 1000x/MintMe market.

13:04:33 14 Apr, 2024

New Reward Pools on DogSwap you're now able to add liquidity to the pools 1000x / MintMe, 1000x / $BONE and 1000x / DogSwap and add the resulting LP tokens to a Reward Pool. For doing so, you will slowly earn $BONE tokens, which you can to exchange for 1000x or any other token. Links to the pages: https://www.dogswap.xyz/pools https://www.dogswap.xyz/liquidity

10:10:02 29 Oct, 2023

I would like to reward projects that advances the MintMe ecosystem, like for example swaps, faucets, games and co. Bonus points if there is a use case for 1000x. In order to participate, please post below what your project is, how to use it and how it advances the MintMe ecosystem. You have time until the end of this year to submit your project. Rewards: 1# 20 1000x 2# 10 1000x 3# 5 1000x I will tip the winning projects directly over the tip function on the january 6. Kind regards, Musdasch

14:10:10 21 Oct, 2023

Thanks to all how use the 1000x Token and stayed with the project over the time. Naturally, I'm curious how you use the 1000x token. So I would like to know how you use it. Do you use it to exchange different swap pages? Do you put the coin in some liquidity pools, in order to make more of it? Do you use it as a store of value? Or do you use it just for fun? I'm glad to hear from everybody, and thanks for your trust. Best, Musdasch

12:10:59 07 Oct, 2023

Pairs on 1000x Swap (https://www.1000x.ch/swap): 1000x/BANG 1000x/bitMonky 1000x/BNB (mchain) (Multichain is out of service at the moment, don't use it.) 1000x/BONE 1000x/CLICK 1000x/CoronaCoin Extra 1000x/deZentrale 1000x/DogecoinX 1000x/DogSwap 1000x/Ethereum (mchain) (Multichain is out of service at the moment, don't use it.) 1000x/GTPC 1000x/LIBAS 1000x/MineMintToken 1000x/Mintme Bull 1000x/MintMoXMR 1000x/Ovelle 1000x/PETETE 1000x/PMINT 1000x/PRSS 1000x/Prunity 1000x/Satoshi 1000x/SHELLS 1000x/Smile 1000x/Spiffcoin 1000x/TREE 1000x/USDC (mchain) (Multichain is out of service at the moment, don't use it.) 1000x/XatteR

12:10:58 07 Oct, 2023

Der neue Markt 1000x/BNB soll Ihnen den Umtausch von Token in BNB erleichtern, da der 1000x-Token mit vielen Token auf den folgenden Tauschseiten gepaart ist, sollte es einfacher sein, die Token für BNB zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen. https://www.1000x.ch/swap https://mypeppermint.me/swap https://bone-frontend-amm.vercel.app/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x7b535379bBAfD9cD12b35D91aDdAbF617Df902B2 https://photonswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x7b535379bBAfD9cD12b35D91aDdAbF617Df902B2

15:05:12 28 May, 2023

I added the DogSwap (https://www.mintme.com/token/DogSwap) token to the 1000x SWAP (https://www.1000x.ch/swap) page. You can now swap DogSwap tokens into 1000x Tokens or any other token that got listed. DogSwap has his own swap page If you like, you can check it out. The page offers the function for swapping, Liquidity stacking and farming. Swapping works best on the Old UI (https://dog-swap-seven.vercel.app/). For farming and Liquidity stacking, use the new UI (https://exchange.dogswap.online/). If you like to have a Report on how I used it, please join the discord server and look here (https://discord.com/channels/968830985154211890/1100010210669645898/1112359523328479302)

15:03:02 25 Mar, 2023

I added the MintMoXMR (https://www.mintme.com/token/MintMoXMR) token to the 1000x SWAP (https://www.1000x.ch/swap) page. You can now swap MintMoXMR tokens into 1000x Tokens or any other token that got listed.

18:03:41 17 Mar, 2023

I added the Mintme Bull (https://www.mintme.com/token/Mintme-Bull) token to the 1000x SWAP (https://www.1000x.ch/swap) page. You can now swap Mintme Bull tokens into 1000x Tokens or any other token that got listed.

Panorama del precio
Campañas de recompensas
Tienda del token