Mintme News


Have you created a token? Read 4 ways to share the news

25 févr. 2020

“effectively share the news about your token and lead people to support your project, joining the crypto world and becoming part of the MintMe environment.”.

After creating a token, many people ask, what do I do next? A simple and direct answer to that is: Talk about it!

Maybe this isn’t enough answer for many since you are probably wondering how to do that and if the current methods you are using are right for something like this. I’d like to let you know a few ways in which you can effectively share the news about your token and lead people to support your project, joining the crypto world and becoming part of the MintMe environment.

Social Media

We can’t ever forget the intense utility of social media, we don’t even need to go to statistics to notice that at least 8 of 10 people use their phone, computer, tablet or any device to have access to the internet and communicate through the several social media platforms existing today. It is amazing how existing as a user on Facebook, Twitter, or Tick Tock has become so important for the market nowadays, and it is true, if you want people to know you then you need to get social.

The first thing you need to worry about is creating a good profile in your MintMe page as a token creator since it is the first thing the people will look at when they click, they want to know about you and what you do and why it is so important for you to receive support from them. Also, your profile is visible for the token supporters, those people who surf MintMe looking for tokens to buy with aims to become supporters and make a sort of investment in the best shot for trading purposes.


We can’t ignore the power of forums. Not like the outside community, forums are made for a more specific group of people, it means that if you join crypto forums you will find people who know about the subject and can share things in common with you if you are a crypto and blockchain enthusiast. But not only that, since MintMe is also a crowdfunding platform you have the chance to share your profile in forums about crowdfunding or any forum that is related to the kind of project your working in. For example, if you are an artist you can talk to other artists about your initiative and tell them that you have started a crowdfunding campaign creating your own token, remember that if other important people also come to join mintMe’s platform and the environment becomes stronger, more people will be willing to participate and eventually support your project.


Despite this sounding a little cheesy, the family is the principal support of human life. They are the people behind the success of our affairs by being supportive emotionally and giving stability to our lives through the comfort of love and precious company. Your family could be the first community to support your projects, and they can also become part of your success by holding your tokens that can one day become very popular and rise in price.

I particularly like to sit down with my family and explain to them what blockchain and cryptocurrencies are about and I enjoy the time and the nice conversation we can create through questions and answers, putting on the table all of the good opportunities and the possibilities this technology can bring for us. You can do the same!

“your profile is visible for the token supporters, those people who surf mintMe looking for tokens to buy with aims to become supporters and make a sort of investment in the best shot for trading purposes”.


The Internet is for everyone, but we have to learn how to adapt to it, taking chance with every new feature that can be the most beneficial for us and our projects or business. When explaining your ideas on one page you may feel is too short for you to express yourself, and people who have an interest in you will be looking forward to knowing more and see in detail what are you up to. This is where a personal website comes in, maybe you can start by just creating a nice home page that identifies you in which you can talk with more detail or create your own FAQ (frequently asked questions) and move traffic around your project using smart SEO to boost your website, which will become the perfect place to let people know about your crowdfunding campaign and promote the sale of your personal token.

After going through the process of token creation there is a fun path to follow to earn people's support and grow in time, but thanks to blockchain technology and custom cryptocurrencies now you have the tools and the platform you needed to secure your transactions and keep track of every event related to your campaign

Hopefully, this can be useful for you that just started as a token creator and are looking forward to seeing your project grow. If you haven’t created a token then now is your chance.

Mary Schwartz