Before I used to think about archeologists as a bunch of people that spend their wholes lives disturbing ancient tombs and stoical monuments, I saw no much to do with sweeping random objects and deformed bones, until I stopped to think about the value of knowledge. The same happens with new technology, we have it hard understanding the practical usage of many of the crazy inventions we see today, that even including blockchain and crypto, we don’t stop to think about how this can lead us to very significant development in the future or how this can give humanity more power, because as some wise man said once “knowledge is power”
Knowledge is power
Along the south-western coast of Italy, in the Gulf of Naples there it lies, quiet and impotent the Mount Vesuvius, hiding one of the most popular and better-known volcanos, and the only one that has erupted within the last hundred years in Europe. In AD 79 Mount Vesuvius erupted causing the destruction of several ancient powerful cities of the roman empire: Pompeii and Herculaneum, with volcanic gases to a height of 33km, erupting molten rock and pulverized pumice went down the streets and cloud of stones and ashes covered the totality of the cities in less than 20 hours. As today Naples is habited still, by no less than 3,000,000 people living near enough to be affected by the volcano, making it the most densely populated volcanic region in the world.
There is a reason why still so many people insist on living near the danger, the answer is power. As human beings, we are attracted to whatever represents a challenge to be conquered and a difficulty to be surpassed. And in cases like the one we see in the Gulf of Naples, power is equal to knowledge. Because it’s what gives people a sense of security they have.
Long before the last eruption of 1994 volcanologists, geodesics and archeologists have had the intense labor of discovering the damages that were and could be caused by Mount Vesuvius. Even now, archeologists keep digging up to discover the many secrets behind it, not as mere entertainment but as real means of bringing knowledge to the world.
“think about how this can lead us to very significant development in the future or how this can give humanity more power, because as some wise man said once “knowledge is power”.
Every job is important
Maybe because of ignorance and sometimes out of poor interests we don’t take into account the big effort others do to improve our society and living. From small groups to big organizations we all work towards the same good and have the purpose of contributing to the intelligence and providing the tools to save people and make living easier.
Archeologists don’t only bring up ancient stories and tales of the past, they collaborate in the discovery of diseases and how to cure them, they help us understand how things work and how the human body behaves in different situations and environmental conditions, excavation and recovery, environmental reconstruction, material analyses, and bioarchaeology are just some of the many subjects that are covered by this sector of science. The impact that archeological discoveries have had in modern times is indeed amazing, yet you may wonder how can blockchain crowdfunding and tokens help with this endeavor and if digital tokens can really change the game for scientific projects.
Blockchain crowdfunding for archeological discoveries
Every job is important, and for that reason, they all should have the opportunity to develop, grow and count with people's support. Usually, archeological initiatives suffer strong economic recessions since they are almost the first subject that any government or private organization would dismiss over any other need or while going under an economic crisis. Without recognizing that the knowledge of the world is also being interrupted when support for archeological discoveries is also cut off. But making tokens gives any company, project, initiative or organization the power to be self reliable and don't need to wait for angel investors or venture capitals, but count with their community directly.
“Every job is important, and for that reason, they all should have the opportunity to develop, grow and count with people's support.”.
Blockchain crowdfunding is a real miracle once again when it comes to this kind of project. How important it is for everyone to have the chance to show themselves to the world and receive support from those who believe in big causes and can see the impact of such discoveries. Tokens can bring to life many new projects that will allow us to know more about the world where we live and know more about ourselves and the future that is ahead of us.
Mary Schwartz