First and foremost, before talking about plans, we need to stop thinking of the past and focus on the present and what is to come in the future. This new perspective is what will help you assimilate and persevere towards your dream and work towards the dreams your kids may have as well. If you are dwelling on things of the past they will become a hindrance when you attempt to move forward into the future. being successful is all about looking forward, developing, and letting things go to make it all possible. And this is why innovative technology and thinking about the future go together, it is also why I’d like to talk to you about how tokens and blockchain technology can help you develop more trust in the future that is ahead, especially when it comes to the future of your kids.
Don’t let your dreams get crushed by the reality
Having kids its expensive! Yes, it is, and most people get really worked up over this, it is a reality that everyone who has kids have to go through. In the US the cost of raising a child from birth through the age of 17 is roughly $233,610. And that only if you don’t think about getting your kids enrolled in college. Even more, if you don’t only have one kid. The average college tuition cost among public and private institutions keeps increasing at a slow and steady pace each year. The most ranked colleges presented an increase in price by 4% for the 2019-2020 school year. The tuition in a public state university will cost around $20,000 and that if you don’t look forward to private education at around $50,000 per academic year. Not only that, but students also have to pay for other expenses, such as housing, food, and books, which can run thousands of dollars a year.
It is scary how these numbers can be downright with no mercy. But you can’t let this really crush the dreams you have for your kids. You have options to start saving for the future of your kids today, and it doesn’t matter what is your budget since to start with tokens you really don’t need anything more than personal initiative.
Ways to save money for your kids
Tokens are truly functional because they can give you the chance not only to save for your kids but to also put them to work to make them grow because their price can grow with time. Furthermore, they are secured with the blockchain and those tokens you create at mintme.com can also be supported by other blockchains if you so desire.
You can start by buying other valuable tokens and build up a set of opportunities to trade and win more, at the same time that you create your own token and offer it in the trading chart for sale too. This can even become an incentive in the future for your own kid to develop dreams and projects that can be supported through a crowdfunding campaign with tokens. You make contributions and invest the money with this plan, and funds can be used at any school of your choice since later on you can withdraw and change it to the currency you prefer if needed, and what’s better, you can withdraw this money tax-free.
We never know when things can get hard for us and our families, but it's good to know that we can save for the future or even have the option to rise founds if any emergency appears, through blockchain crowdfunding initiatives like MintMe we can have the right space to support from others during difficult times
Teach your kid smart money-management strategies
One of the best things you can ever do for your kids is teaching them the value of work and how important it is for them to save their money to use it for worthy things. Using crypto at mintme.com can be a very helpful method to get started and they wouldn’t need to invest any money in trying out trading and learning about the crypto market. Token creation is completely free and Mintme Coin is also a mineable coin, which means that it can be mined through any device with the internet. Doing this will surely help them pay for college or set them up for financial success as adults.
Something like this is not as probable if you just give your kid a bank account to manage, that does not really happen, but with mintMe tokens, you can also teach your kids to back up their tokens with their creations and original projects and show them to other people. This can increase their confidence and boots their personal growth. Furthermore, not everyone has access to a bank, and not everyone can start just “saving” out of nowhere, people tend to feel hopeless when they don’t have any money to get started.
“I kind of felt I should have started earlier, I needed to start thinking about what I wanted to do in the future much earlier” This is what most parents say when it’s already late in life and they feel hopeless. You need to start thinking: “What is my plan and how am I gonna get there?” You cannot let the time pass, getting into the school world going with the flow, and then suddenly your kids are 18 and you wonder what happened. And just as important, do you know how things can be in 20 years for your family? Your kids will be grown and gone. You may be a grandparent at that point. You’ll probably be looking back over your life wondering how time flew so fast. Through digital coins you can open the doors to your kids for amazing possibilities, find support to become students of exchange, or get into their dream club. Get minted at MintMe.com for free, starting today!
Mary Schwartz