10K Litoshi

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10K Litoshi
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Locked to 0.0001 Litecoin. Marketcap is limited thus 1k LTC. 1/10,000th of LTC = 10k Litoshi. This will be unofficial Litecoin (LTC) Token on Mintme Network. Initial funds are backed out of pocket by lead developer. Extra liquidity added is directly added and will insure OVER-balance protection. This is not an investment vehicle this is a manual bridge token designed to be stable to LTC yet investor may find interest in providing market making on mintme side at their own discretion.

Created on:
10 Jul 2023
Already released:
2 417 364.5802
Not yet released:
7 582 635.4197
Active orders:
11 981.0000
Created on:
10 Jul 2023
Active orders:
11 981.0000
Release period:
20 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
2 417 364.5802
Wallet on exchange:
2 686.3473
999 002.7368
Sold on the market:
3 044 880.6269
Not yet released:
7 582 635.4197
Direct buy volume:
Latest News
04:07:26 23 Jul, 2024

A look at 1000x swap which can take you from beginner to pro right away https://youtu.be/OFDqCDUAO-w #Contentcreator #Odn #1000xToken #Howto

22:06:51 16 Jun, 2024

This is sort of a biased look at the mintme.com platform, it's capabilities and potential. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_FJILdpVd8&t=19s #Contentcreator #Mintme #Odn

00:03:40 15 Mar, 2024

You can now make swap on Bone Swap. 10k litoshi/mintme https://dogswap.online/#/swap #Trading #10klitoshi #dex #ArbitrageOpportunity