20:01:11 01 Jan, 2025

As promised earlier, meetings with potential investors/partners are being scheduled, the first one to take place Tuesday January 7th, over dinner at my home! Exciting times ahead, and we may soon be moving the buyback date to May 1st!

Did you ever wonder how some people get into great opportunities on the ground floor, but YOU never get those chances? It's probably because in life, many times it's not WHAT you know, but WHO you know! I can be the WHO in your life! I'm Les Baxter, leader of the Grammy-nominated jazz group THE LES BAXTER FACTOR,( based in Tucson, Az. I've been able to parlay my musical successes into opportunities in other areas: hedge funds, food and beverage, high-tech equipment, music for tv/streaming content/movies, and the latest GREATEST - THE LEGAL CANNABIS INDUSTRY! Many people don't really understand how that industry works, and how opportunities for smaller investors can happen. In a nutshell, whenever a popular brand wants to expand into another state in the USA, they have to create an entirely new infrastructure for their products: manufacturing, packaging, lab testing, security, transportation, distribution, etc. All because products CANNOT be transported across state lines! My partner ROBERT BRODNICK, of PHENOTERPS, and formerly of TITAN LABS ( and I, not only have all the connections needed, but we've already placed CQ SHOTS in dispensaries throughout Arizona! Here's where the small investors can make money, too. Product manufacturing and packaging have to exist for dispensaries to place their orders. Once an order is placed, it's roughly 120-150 days until that invoice is paid. In that time gap, more orders and reorders are placed, so inventory gets depleted. The worst thing that can happen to a product is to have demand that cannot be met. So, we're raising funds to generate more inventory. We've spent roughly $30k USD which has gotten the ball rolling. CQ SHOTS are on shelves, selling, and some reorders have already been placed, all since October 1st, 2024. Every $1,000 USD raised gets put into play immediately! What we intend to do with BAXBUX is to begin bringing another CQ product into Arizona, and then start with the next brand, with which we're already working, and then continue with more brands and products! This approach is sustainable, especially in such a booming industry and an emerging territory! We already have connections in more emerging states, like North Carolina and Texas! Incredible opportunities for growth and profits! Our buyback of the tokens should begin 1 JULY 2025

Created on:
21 Nov 2024
Wallet on exchange:
1 065 068.9147
Sold on the market:
315 087.1102
Active orders:
719 378.0000
Created on:
21 Nov 2024
Wallet on exchange:
1 065 068.9147
11 500.0000
Sold on the market:
315 087.1102
Direct buy volume:
226 919
Latest News
15:01:50 14 Jan, 2025

19:01:34 06 Jan, 2025

We met at BOTANICA DISPENSARY right here in Tucson, on Friday. The meeting went well, and an agreement to move forward has been made! Financials are being put in order, with the goal of bringing in the $40k USD investment. That will secure 20% of the net revenue from the CQ SHOTS, which are already selling well in the dispensaries. A portion of the investment will purchase the high-tech mixer, which will not only enable us to manufacture the products ourselves (saving about 65%), but will allow us to start manufacturing and selling the CQ HEMP BEVERAGES!

17:01:51 05 Jan, 2025

After taste testing the SIPCOOL product, we've decided not to pursue that project. We feel it's in our best interests to only participate in products/projects we ourselves enjoy and like.

20:01:11 01 Jan, 2025

As promised earlier, meetings with potential investors/partners are being scheduled, the first one to take place Tuesday January 7th, over dinner at my home! Exciting times ahead, and we may soon be moving the buyback date to May 1st!

21:12:54 23 Dec, 2024

One of my entertainment world friends is not only a renowned guitarist, but also a film producer. He's now affiliated with several streaming platforms that want his portfolio and new content. This is the next move I'm making, now that the cannabis investments are in place. Come along for the ride AND the earnings!

MOU Tendered post
15:12:55 21 Dec, 2024

MOU has been tendered to one of big investors mentioned in an earlier update. This investment will provide the funds to purchase the equipment for manufacturing not only the CQ SHOTS, but the hemp based beverages which can be sold in ANY stores, not just dispensaries. This is HUGE for us, as manufacturing costs for the CQ SHOTS goes down by almost 70%, and will definitely be a boon to the beverages.

19:12:30 12 Dec, 2024

12 more dispensaries are coming aboard next month! They're located in Phoenix, the largest city in Arizona, and they're the #1 dispensary group in Arizona. WE'RE SO THRILLED!!!

Uplifting meeting! post
17:12:52 11 Dec, 2024

Monday's meeting went well, and yesterday brought a new potential investor to the table. Everything is pointing to us being able to purchase the manufacturing equipment mentioned earlier. Bright future ahead!

Manufacturing costs decrease in the works! post
13:12:04 09 Dec, 2024

Currently we're spending roughly $2.30 per unit to have CQ SHOTS manufactured by a licensed and approved cannabis kitchen called HIJOLLY. Later today I will be discussing the purchase of a piece of equipment which will allow us to make them ourselves, cutting costs by 67%! This creates a huge leap in profits. BUT as an added bonus, this equipment will allow us to manufacture hemp-based drinks, which can be sold in ANY STORES, not just dispensaries! Exciting times ahead. BTW, the meeting is with my partner in my IT business, BAXTERA SOLUTIONS. I think the outcome will be favorable, lol.

Encouraging growth in 1st 2 months! post
19:12:51 06 Dec, 2024

CQ SHOTS hit the 1st dispensary's shelves October 1st. A few more dispensaries quickly followed, and this generated $1,700 USD in October. November saw more dispensaries and higher sales, totalling $10,000+ USD! More dispensaries are carrying them yet again, and we anticipate the December totals to surpass $75k USD!

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