Bitreward Token (BIT) lives on the mintme blockchain, one of the fastest growing and largest blockchain platforms out there. The BIT is a etherium base token will give individuals complete and anonymous control. BIT is created by freelance writer Joey Pascua to raise funds and support the bitnovelist project. The total number of the BIT initial issuance is 10 Million in mintme to support my project and the specific circulation quantity is gradually released according to the transaction demand after migration to bitrewards. Please support by donating mintme for my project so i can deploy the token to the blockchain and listed it on other exchanges. Donations in mintme: 0x12b33c4460f558c318fbd1f564f94d85bf68ea53 Donations in eth: 0x08dedb319f9ea574431f0b181fb16cd60928c7a5 For other donations you may email me Official website (under constructions) Visit temporarily blogsite:

Created on:
01 Oct 2020
Wallet on exchange:
3 251.4890
Sold on the market:
9 996 748.5110
Active orders:
2 264 250.0000
Created on:
01 Oct 2020
Wallet on exchange:
3 251.4890
Sold on the market:
9 996 748.5110
Direct buy volume:
Latest News
Post 1775 post
08:02:01 07 Feb, 2021

Announcement: Bit is now available in stellarport website. Access Bit in this address just copy and paste it to direct you on the website thanks

Post 446 post
04:11:35 10 Nov, 2020

Bit is in need for donations. Please support Bit.

Post 307 post
04:10:19 27 Oct, 2020

Mr henderson "Prince Henderson" has donated xlm on stellarport. Mr Arnaiz "Prince Arnaiz" has donated xlm on stellarport. Mr Polluck " Duke Polluck" has donated xlm on stellarport. Mr Samson "Prince Samson" has donated xlm on stellarport. Mr Naive Guy " Count Stephan" has donated xlm on stellarport. Since i get donation from xlm users, then it will be soon to finally listed Bitcoin Mobile ( BIT ) on other platforms.

Post 264 post
01:10:40 21 Oct, 2020

Thanks to following donors: Jackhudson, Junabeth, Smile.

Post 215 post
05:10:19 16 Oct, 2020

Thanks to the donors: Cindy Seoh ( 22.1732mintme 15.10.2020)+(81.5403mintme 16.10.2020) or a total of 103.6146mintme.

Post 214 post
04:10:07 16 Oct, 2020

Knights Ranking for donors are the following : Gold Rank Knight: 40,000 mintme Silver Rank Knight: 30,000 mintme Bronze Rank Knight: 20,000 mintme Guild Leaders: 15,000 mintme Grandmaster: 10,000 mintme Syndicate Boss: 5,000 mintme Master: 1000 Swordsman instructor: 500 mintme Guildmember: 50 Attendant: 20 mintme.

Post 172 post
17:10:47 12 Oct, 2020

We decided to award royal entitlement to the donors as a reward in the following titles : Emperor : 100,000 mintme, Prince/Princes: 90,000 mintme ,Duke: 80,000 mintme ,Count: 70,000 mintme, Viscount: 60,000 mintme, Baron: 50,000 mintme Accumulated amount will be used to deploy bitcoin mobile and used to purchase bitnovelist brandname. People who donates will be seeing there name and titles on the novel I SHALL NOT FALL. Message me for more info at

Post 153 post
07:10:36 09 Oct, 2020

Post 119 post
02:10:58 02 Oct, 2020

Bitcoin Mobile (BITMO) is a fundraising campaign to help bitmo novelist project startup. You may use bitmo for tipping, advertise in bitmo novelist blogsite, and use it to purchase a novel in the blogsite.

Top Holders
Trader Amount
4 592 546
2 076 826
1 293 654
1 009 153
506 486
208 501
106 991
54 890
27 952
9 817
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