https://i.ibb.co/ZK7GycD/Captura-de-pantalla-2021-11-03-a-las-20-49-49.png Hello Lancer! I stop by to say that I am developing a game with the ionilancer token. I want it to be an educational game related to my programming work and also to give away tokens for playing. 1000 ionilancers tokens will be needed to participate, so congratulations to all of you who participated in the aridrop. I will give more details as I progress in the development, if someone wants to help sen DM All the best!

¡Hola Lancer! Bienvenido a ionilancer, una moneda para los amantes de la programación y las criptomonedas. De las de 6Mill monedas liberadas, el 50% se han quemado. Como comunidad, podemos darle valor a la moneda al holdear y compartir. También podemos darle valor creando contenido y poniendola en practica con diferentes usos. ¡Manos al código! 👨💻 ----------------------- Hi Lancer! Welcome to ionilancer, a currency for those who love programming and cryptocurrencies. Of the 6Mill coins released, 50% have been burned. As a community, we can add value to the coin, holding and sharing. We can also add value creating content or putting it into practice with different uses. lets code! 👨💻