As we all know the market is a very volatile and the prices always change. Same here , and as the market does change I will try to keep it up to date with the equivalent value of a BudCoin being .25 cents per dispensary. Also as it does the price for one BudCoin will fluctuate as well.

As I came to try to come up with a rough market cap estimate for the coin... I'm going to imagine a dispensary makes at least 1mil in a year. Hense we have 4mil coins to start off with, we divide that number of coins by the estimated market cap of one dispensary (1Mil). and we get .25 cents per 1 BudCoin. HOW I GOT 42 mintme With the math done on the previous statement, I used those values and by common denominator I ended up with the price of 1 mintme coin,(.006 price based on coin market cap) and multiplied that price till I got a value total of .25 cents. That equaled out to be 42 mintme. I hope you're still with me. How Will This Grow I am on the prowl to find many as dispensaries to get onboard and join the crypto revolution. We are starting with 1 for now and will continueto grow. As we acquire more dispensaries we add .25 cents value per store meaning Doubling its Value with 2 dispensaries on board making it 84 mintme to get 1 bud coin.