We feel that the Binance Smart Chain is a better home for Telluric Token (TELT) than the Webchain because it severly limits what we are able to do with our Token, we are unable to build custom any contract functions, we were also not able to build any staking functioning, there was no possible way for us to enable our lotto style fee distribution.

This decision was based mainly on several factors including, the low defi ecosystem here on the WebChain, the branding CanadianToken (CADT) was being confused greatly with Canadian Dollar Stablecoins, and that is not what we are, we are more than just a token, we are an entire defi project, with a vision, a real, pure decentralized financial system, we are building up to and developing constantly on a NON-KYC Verified AMM Exchange, our own Decentralized Telluric Blockchain, and much more!

This is amazing news for everyone who has adopted CADT super early! Being able to directly transfer your CADT for TELT on the Binance Smart Chain means that all of your CADT will never be lost and can be moved to other chains and defi ecosystems as we are further adopted! This will go inline with our listings coming on Pancakeswap and Bakeryswap! More information is currently available in our Discord server as our social pages are also undergoing rebranding!

We have made a major decision in the future of CADT, we have decided to rebrand ourselves as Telluric Token (TELT). We feel this better ultimately encompasses our vision as a project! Our website is being rebranded as such and will be delayed, our Discord server is also being rebranded and all of our information about our token! What this means for the MintMe CanadianToken is simply we have developed a bridge to move your CanadianToken from MintMe (Webchain) to the Binance Smart Chain!

Our Outlook - As Centralization and Regulation make a squeeze on the DeFi ecosystem our team believes in the core values of an anonymous, decentralized financial system. We are developing constantly to bring chains together and allow adopters to move their tokens and assets freely around different networks. It is our belief that in doing so we will be able to help the DeFi world escape the grasp of centralization and regulation!

Another Airdrop has been started! This one is for 500 Canadian Token! Preceding the release of our Website, you are able to join our Discord server to speak with the Founder of Canadian Token, to view how to add MintMe (Webchain) to Metamask, and to view how to transfer your CADT from MintMe to the Binance Smart Chain!