ClayCoin Cash : The Revamped ClayCoin?
Start date: 08.03.2021 06:08:11 | End date: 01.01.2022 18:01:00 | Created by: EtheroramaFoundation
Should I create and deploy the ClayCoin Cash? 1. It will be no dev wallets, only mines on this exchange. 2. 1,500,000 ClayCoins will be took off the exchange for 10 years, therefore increasing price of CLC Cash. 3. The first buy of CLC Cash may range to 400-800 Mintme per ClayCoin. 4. We will release ALL tokens once created, easy and fair buy system for all. 5. Will be added to in its own category with ATH price and how many coins purchased.
Current Results
We are back. In a few months we will be going full pump mode. And fixing a few sale issues with ClayCoin.
I will be investing heavily in Clayko Inu due to the fact it was developed by me. I will be updating my page about it every other week. ClayCoin will be pretty much skyrocket in 2023 ... IF top sellers don’t sell off at the same time. That would make me proud also because the ClayCoin organization itself have a scare amount of coins... and if we can push our self to $0.01 and above then we can then change the entire trading page numbers. We will be back on top.
I made it clear that I wouldn’t be focused on ClayCoin that often. In fact i’m only buying for now on. No more updates as this token is basically a “bad shiba inu” clone That’s true. If you believe in ClayCoin, ALL OF YOU WOULD GO AND BUY CLAYKO INU 🔥💎👀 They’re listed on , link below.