The post
22:03:43 29 Mar, 2024

Don’t miss out on this, we are doing a huge airdrop event of tokens which will grant you access to many NFT from our rare collection. This is one of the most unique crypto projects online! #Airdrop #Trading #Nft #Freetokens

int uv_callback_init_ex( uv_loop_t* loop, uv_callback_t* callback, uv_callback_func function, int callback_type, void (*free_cb)(void*), void (*free_result)(void*) ){ int rc; if (!loop || !callback || !function) return UV_EINVAL; memset(callback, 0, sizeof(uv_callback_t)); callback-> = callback; /* mark as a uv_callback handle */ callback->function = function; callback->refcount = 1; callback->free_cb = free_cb; switch(callback_type) { case UV_DEFAULT: callback->usequeue = 1; callback->free_result = free_result; callback->master = get_master_callback(loop); if (callback->master) { /* add this callback to the list */ uv_callback_t *base = callback->master; while (base->next) { base = base->next; } base->next = callback; return 0; /* the uv_async handle is already initialized */ } else { uv_mutex_init(&callback->mutex); rc = uv_idle_init(loop, &callback->idle); if (rc) return rc; } /* fallthrough */ case UV_COALESCE: break; default: return UV_EINVAL; } return uv_async_init(loop, (uv_async_t*) callback, uv_callback_async_cb); } int uv_callback_init(uv_loop_t* loop, uv_callback_t* callback, uv_callback_func function, int callback_type) { return uv_callback_init_ex(loop, callback, function, callback_type, NULL, NULL); } void uv_callback_stop(uv_callback_t* callback) { if (!callback) return; callback->inactive = 1; if (callback->usequeue) { dequeue_all_from_callback(callback->master, callback); } } void stop_all_on_walk(uv_handle_t *handle, void *arg) { if (uv_is_callback(handle)) { uv_callback_t *callback = (uv_callback_t *) handle; while (callback) { uv_callback_t *next = callback->next; uv_callback_stop(callback); callback = next; } } } void uv_callback_stop_all(uv_loop_t* loop) { uv_walk(loop, stop_all_on_walk, NULL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* SENDER / CALLER THREAD ****************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Asynchronous Callback Firing **********************************************/ int uv_callback_fire_ex(uv_callback_t* callback, void *data, int size, void (*free_data)(void*), uv_callback_t* notify) { if (!callback) return UV_EINVAL; if (callback->inactive) return UV_EPERM; /* if there is a notification callback set, then the call must use a queue */ if (notify && !callback->usequeue) return UV_EINVAL; if (callback->usequeue) { /* allocate a new call info */ uv_call_t *call = malloc(sizeof(uv_call_t)); if (!call) return UV_ENOMEM; /* save the call info */ call->data = data; call->size = size; call->notify = notify; call->callback = callback; call->free_data = free_data; /* if there is a master callback, use it */ if (callback->master) callback = callback->master; /* add the call to the queue */ uv_mutex_lock(&callback->mutex); call->next = callback->queue; callback->queue = call; uv_mutex_unlock(&callback->mutex); /* increase the reference counter */ if (notify) notify->refcount++; } else { callback->arg = data; } /* call uv_async_send */ return uv_async_send((uv_async_t*)callback); } int uv_callback_fire(uv_callback_t* callback, void *data, uv_callback_t* notify) { return uv_callback_fire_ex(callback, data, 0, NULL, notify); } /* Synchronous Callback Firing ***********************************************/ struct call_result { int timed_out; int called; void *data; int size; }; void callback_on_close(uv_handle_t *handle) { if (uv_is_callback(handle)) { uv_callback_release((uv_callback_t*) handle); } } void callback_on_walk(uv_handle_t *handle, void *arg) { uv_close(handle, callback_on_close); } void * on_call_result(uv_callback_t *callback, void *data, int size) { uv_loop_t *loop = ((uv_handle_t*)callback)->loop; struct call_result *result = loop->data; result->called = 1; result->data = data; result->size = size; uv_stop(loop); return NULL; } void on_timer(uv_timer_t *timer) { uv_loop_t *loop = timer->loop; struct call_result *result = loop->data; result->timed_out = 1; uv_stop(loop); } int uv_callback_fire_sync(uv_callback_t* callback, void *data, void** presult, int timeout) { struct call_result result = {0};

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I’m post
22:03:23 29 Mar, 2024

Don’t miss out on this, we are doing a huge airdrop event of tokens which will grant you access to many NFT from our rare collection. This is one of the most unique crypto projects online! #Airdrop #Trading #Nft #Freetokens

Ty post
22:03:16 29 Mar, 2024

Don’t miss out on this, we are doing a huge airdrop event of tokens which will grant you access to many NFT from our rare collection. This is one of the most unique crypto projects online! #Airdrop #Trading #Nft #Freetokens

Ty post
22:03:08 29 Mar, 2024

Don’t miss out on this, we are doing a huge airdrop event of tokens which will grant you access to many NFT from our rare collection. This is one of the most unique crypto projects online! #Airdrop #Trading #Nft #Freetokens

The post
22:03:43 29 Mar, 2024

Don’t miss out on this, we are doing a huge airdrop event of tokens which will grant you access to many NFT from our rare collection. This is one of the most unique crypto projects online! #Airdrop #Trading #Nft #Freetokens

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