We're very close to getting off the ground. Buy some Elvira Token, its cute, rewarding, and easy to use. There's nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
We are new, and we still have a long way to go, but don't hesitate to buy some Elvira Token while we are getting off the ground, the future is bright for crypto. Whether you buy Elvira Token, donate BTC, BNB, or ETH or even join our ongoing airdrop, it's all sincerely appreciated and will go a long way toward helping us grow, and achieving our goals of being the best p2p token possible.
Total supply: 10,000,000 Elvira Liquidity Pool: (TBD) 6% (600,000) Burn To Public Address:0x06E30E90ca79BCAdEe30B096B58dCf4C5a597262 0.5% (50,000) Team and Founders 5% (500,000) Reserve Fund 7% (700,000) Operational Use 3% (300,000) Transaction Fees 0%
As we continue rolling out Elvira, it's important to note that Elvira Token will have a more limited supply than most cryptos with a max circulation supply of just under 10 million. Meaning Elvira is scarcer in availability, and thus giving Elvira the ability to become more valuable over time. Taking that into account Elvira is the perfect p2p token for any transaction.
Our new website is currently in development and will be ready in the coming days.
We already have 15 holders, thank you so much for investing y'all. There's no greater honor than to have your faith. Sincerely appreciated.
It is encouraged that all to flock to the Elvira Token telegram channel and group to keep up with the latest chatter on everything goin' on with Elvira Token, and the crypto space as a whole. We know there won't be much traction right away because we are brand new, but we believe the future is bright. https://t.me/ElviraToken & https://t.me/+8CSB3lKYoy03Nzdh
Hello, This is CJ the creator of Elvira. Welcome to the next generation of p2p decentralized digital assets. Elvira offers a fast, efficient, user-friendly token that is easy to utilize, and fun to hold. Elvira is very limited in circulation, with a current supply of just over 5.7 million Elvira as of right now, and the rest will be released over the next 5 years allowing for the natural movements of the market.