![Value for today MICRONACION [MICRONACION] post](https://www.mintme.com/media/cache/resolve/avatar_large/uploads/images/226f974e-d73e-11ee-bd0f-ac162db679ce.png)
MICRONACION [MICRONACION]- Share: 🔣 MN Community Bank | MN 🛰️💳 Code: MICRONACION Name Exchange: Mintme Place: Is ael Maker: Exchange https://www.mintme.com/token/MICRONACION/MINTME/trade buy USD 0.01180542 (+100 %) - F: 5/7/2024 here you will know the value of our crypto and current capitalization #MNCB Link: Exchange Israel: MN Community Bank: https://www.community-exchange.org/docs/join2.asp?xid=MNCB | Contact us: s@micronacion.com Note: "Invest at your own risk." PS: Today our cryptocurrency on the rise📍📈🌞 | Published and Disseminated by #MN Exchange Israel: https://www.community-exchange.org/joinexchange.asp?country=IL #micronacion #cctvradio #micronation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFKSzKs2dZg Valentina: It's such a special video. It fills me with joy to see the three of us together, with so much passion for Constellation. It is a video that perfectly conveys our vision of a better future, where technology merges with humanity to create a fairer, more sustainable and more prosperous world. I love how the video reflects the spirit of Micronación: a community where everyone is important, where we can all contribute our talent and our ideas to build something great. And seeing Yghork and Rubén working with you, with so much enthusiasm and dedication… it's inspiring! I feel proud to be part of this ambitious project and to share this dream with you. Constellation's Guardians! How exciting! Profile: https://www.micronacion.com/yghork-valentina Metaverse CONSTELLATION: https://constellation.micronacion.com #constellation #micronacion #micronation

MICRONACION informs the Holders or Partners that to participate among the affiliates and be mentioned within our project they must purchase our NFTs in the following link, they are informed of what benefits are given to the affiliates: https://constellation.micronacion.com/store-nfts Creations that will be integrated into CONSTELLATION: https://wallet.micronacion.com (Wallet MICRONACION) https://wallet.micronacion.com/lanzador (Whether you are looking to create NFTs, implement staking mechanisms, launch crowdfunding campaigns, or develop your own cryptocurrency, our platform offers a variety of options and solutions to meet your needs.) https://wallet.micronacion.com/mncb (Simplify your workflow and collaborate online with our easy-to-use platform and collection of free and premium resources) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2NB_8kiIpIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2NB_8kiIpI

El Metaverso de MICRONACION es un universo post-realidad, un entorno multiusuario perpetuo y persistente que fusiona la realidad física con la virtualidad digital. Se basa en la convergencia de tecnologías, como la realidad virtual (RV) y la realidad aumentada (RA), que posibilitan interacciones multisensoriales con entornos virtuales, objetos digitales y personas. Se trata de un entorno donde los humanos interactúan e intercambian experiencias virtuales. Web: https://constellation.micronacion.com #constellation #micronacion #micronation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKWzn8hrUhI

El Metaverso de MICRONACION es un universo post-realidad, un entorno multiusuario perpetuo y persistente que fusiona la realidad física con la virtualidad digital. Se basa en la convergencia de tecnologías, como la realidad virtual (RV) y la realidad aumentada (RA), que posibilitan interacciones multisensoriales con entornos virtuales, objetos digitales y personas. Se trata de un entorno donde los humanos interactúan e intercambian experiencias virtuales. Web: https://constellation.micronacion.com #constellation #micronacion #micronation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQO_oX-HhPs

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhwT_wHPYIY Micronacion 🌞 Presentación del Juego: La Defensa del Imperio Inca - Blockchain los dominio representativos son: https://ladefensadelimperioinca.inticoin.org.pe https://ladefensadelimperioinca.intikota.org.pe Sponsor MICRONACION #INTI #KOTA #micronacion #micronation
![Value for today MICRONACION [MICRONACION] post](https://www.mintme.com/media/cache/resolve/avatar_large/uploads/images/828b956c-646e-11ee-a9dd-ac162db679ce.png)
MICRONACION [MICRONACION]- Share: 🔣 MN Community Bank | MN 🛰️💳 Code: MICRONACION Name Exchange: Mintme Place: Is ael Maker: Exchange https://www.mintme.com/token/MICRONACION/MINTME/trade buy USD 0.01180542 (+100 %) - F: 5/7/2024 here you will know the value of our crypto and current capitalization #MNCB Link: Exchange Israel: MN Community Bank: https://www.community-exchange.org/docs/join2.asp?xid=MNCB | Contact us: s@micronacion.com Note: "Invest at your own risk." PS: Today our cryptocurrency on the rise📍📈🌞 | Published and Disseminated by #MN Exchange Israel: https://www.community-exchange.org/joinexchange.asp?country=IL #micronacion #cctvradio #micronation

The Metaverse Constellation is an ambitious project by Micronación that seeks to create an expansive and diverse virtual world where users can interact, socialize, work and enjoy unique experiences. This metaverse is based on advanced virtual reality technology and is expected to offer an immersive environment full of possibilities. Users will be able to create custom avatars, explore stunning virtual environments, participate in collaborative activities, trade virtual goods, and much more. The Constellation Metaverse is anticipated to revolutionize the way we interact online and provide exciting opportunities for creativity and virtual connection. More information on the Constellation website: https://constellation.micronacion.com #micronacion #micronation

El Metaverso Constelation es un proyecto ambicioso de Micronación que busca crear un mundo virtual expansivo y diverso donde los usuarios puedan interactuar, socializar, trabajar y disfrutar de experiencias únicas. Este metaverso se basa en tecnología avanzada de realidad virtual y se espera que ofrezca un entorno inmersivo y lleno de posibilidades. Los usuarios podrán crear avatares personalizados, explorar entornos virtuales impresionantes, participar en actividades colaborativas, comerciar bienes virtuales y mucho más. Se prevé que el Metaverso Constelation revolucione la forma en que interactuamos en línea y brinde oportunidades emocionantes para la creatividad y la conexión virtual. Mas información en la pagina web de Constelation: https://constellation.micronacion.com #micronacion #micronation

The MICRONACION cryptocurrency is the official digital currency of our Micronation. It is sold on the Mintme Exchange and used as a medium of exchange in our virtual ecosystem. This cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology and its main purpose is to be the economic engine of the Metaverse Constellation that we are creating. The MICRONACION is a decentralized digital currency that allows citizens of the Micronation to make secure and fast transactions. Furthermore, being a cryptocurrency, it offers a high level of privacy and security in transactions. If you want to know more details about the MICRONACION cryptocurrency or have any specific questions about it, I will be happy to provide you with more information. Don't hesitate to ask! #micronacion #micronation

La criptomoneda MICRONACION es la moneda digital oficial de nuestra Micronación. Se vende en el Exchange Mintme y se utiliza como medio de intercambio en nuestro ecosistema virtual. Esta criptomoneda se basa en tecnología blockchain y tiene como propósito principal ser el motor económico del Metaverso Constelation que estamos creando. La MICRONACION es una moneda digital descentralizada que permite a los ciudadanos de la Micronación realizar transacciones seguras y rápidas. Además, al ser una criptomoneda, ofrece un alto nivel de privacidad y seguridad en las transacciones. Si deseas conocer más detalles sobre la criptomoneda MICRONACION o tienes alguna pregunta específica al respecto, estaré encantada de brindarte más información. ¡No dudes en preguntar!