Welcome to my OneDollar Token my name is Yghork Ulianov Cihs and I am the Founder of CCTVRADIO, Founder of CCI CCommunity Bank and Founder of CC1SM4 I thank you all for your participation I will be visiting each crypto and if I can do something for you I would like to be your sponsor. If you want any contact my facebook is: the challenge of CCI Community Bank is to participate as a crypto in Mintme as we are already doing with our crypto CCIE so we are also a currency that is part of the OTCCCIE. CCI Community Bank (CCIB) is a financial base that belongs to CCTVRADIO, it is part of the global network of Community Exchange System (CES): Another of our cryptos that accompanies us is CCI2 that is already part of the Blockchain and that also participates in Mintme.Our CCI Community Bank has already been working from Israel for a month and the people involved in the realization of the Social Commerce objectives are working from local offices in Stockolme (Sweden), Torino (Italy), Madrid (Spain), Puerto Ordaz (Venezuela) , Lima (Peru), Cusco (Peru), El Alto (Bolivia), Mendoza (Argentina), Valparaiso (Chile) and Rhode Island (USA). We have included a series of modifications to our banking via API to not only be a bank account of tangible currencies but also to be able to have a cryptocurrency wallet in the main cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE, BCH, XRP, XLM, and more. We have also added our cryptos in Blockchain CCI, CCI2. Like our token created by the bank: CDIGV, APLiCa, CCIE We have also integrated other tokens such as: INTI, QORI, HOUSE. Our CCI Community Bank gives loans with Tangible currency and cryptos to community projects and social actions, it has a strategic alliance with state and private representations and joint ventures.

Created on:
27 Oct 2020
Wallet on exchange:
9 999 397.8276
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Created on:
27 Oct 2020
Wallet on exchange:
9 999 397.8276
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