
I am in the process of putting my story for the cosmic weave together. I am having to rethink some things. The World Tree and Axis Mundi don't fit to well into what I have put together so far. Outlining everything and re-writing for when the series comes out though. This is a project I have been working on all year too, finally able to get this started.

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://rumble.com/v69ehim-reptillian-gene.html?mref=2plz5t&mc=8qrg0

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://youtu.be/h7iue4sAHyE

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://youtu.be/nnwlroe1xRo

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://youtu.be/_vcCaC9ljokhttps://youtu.be/_vcCaC9ljok

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://rumble.com/v6jmi24-live-stream-dark-sector.html?mref=2plz5t&mc=8qrg0

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://rumble.com/v69d341-quantum-tripper-301-new-number.html?mref=2plz5t&mc=8qrg0

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://rumble.com/v6456rd-the-odyssey-part-two.html?mref=2plz5t&mc=8qrg0

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://rumble.com/v5v1nuz-the-echo-in-the-stars-the-ascension-of-the-vaelthir.html?mref=2plz5t&mc=8qrg0